

The Hub aims to build resources including pedagogical content for both students and practitioners, informing and empowering present and future decision-makers as they navigate the complex intersection of technology, business, and international relations. These resources encompass a range of support materials, such as policy briefs, podcasts, interviews, and more.

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Five AIMS - Lessons from Internet Governance for Artificial Intelligence Management Strategies

In this publication, Wendy Hall, Kieron O'Hara and Pierre Noro explore how the Four Internet model can help us identify Five Artificial Intelligence Management Strategies to better understand the emerging geopolitics of AI.

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Five AIMS - Lessons from Internet Governance for Artificial Intelligence Management Strategies

In this publication, Wendy Hall, Kieron O'Hara and Pierre Noro explore how the Four Internet model can help us identify Five Artificial Intelligence Management Strategies to better understand the emerging geopolitics of AI.

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How Young European Citizens Propose to Combat Disinformation in Democratic Societies

How can disinformation be tackled in countries as different as France, Germany, Moldova, and Romania? Discover 6 common solutions based on a consultation carried out by Make.org and Sciences Po.

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How Young European Citizens Propose to Combat Disinformation in Democratic Societies

How can disinformation be tackled in countries as different as France, Germany, Moldova, and Romania? Discover 6 common solutions based on a consultation carried out by Make.org and Sciences Po.

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Beyond Electoral Uncertainty: Rethinking the Transatlantic Alliance in Times of Change - Trade, Technology, and Innovation

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Beyond Electoral Uncertainty: Rethinking the Transatlantic Alliance in Times of Change - Trade, Technology, and Innovation

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