Cecilia Baeza
Academic advisor
Email: Cecilia Baeza
Cecilia Baeza holds a PhD in Political Science (International Relations) from Sciences Po Paris. Her academic work has focused on diasporas, refugees, long distance nationalism, and transnational political mobilisations. She is the author of a number of scientific articles and book chapters on Middle Eastern migrants’ political activism in Latin America, especially Palestinians and Syrians.
Following her doctoral research, Cecilia was a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of International Relations at the Universidade de Brasilia (UnB) and a professor of International Relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and the Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). She currently teaches at the undergraduate level “Espace Mondial” at the Poitiers Campus.
Cecilia has taught and carried out fieldwork in several countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Palestine.