Lamiss Azab
Academic advisor
Email: lamiss.azab@sciencespo.fr
Lamiss Azab has studied languages in Egypt (Al Alsun Faculty) and France (Sorbonne - Paris 3), and she holds two PhDs, one from Sciences Po Paris, in Political Science, with a focus on the Muslim World, and a second one from ESIT (Ecole Supérieure des Interprètes et Traducteurs - Paris) in Translation Studies, with a focus on the notion of Cultural Mediation.
Lamiss has an experience of 20 years in teaching - Languages, Methodologies of Translation, Arab Political Thought, Religions and Modernity around the Mediterranean, Qur'ân and its interpretations. She has taught in several universities and ministries in France and Egypt, as well as different Arab countries. She has integrated Sciences Po - the Menton Campus - as a lecturer in 2009 and as an Academic Advisor in 2014.
She has conducted research for more than 15 years on topics related to politics, linguistics and religions - mainly Islam - and has frequently worked in France on the intersection between these fields of study, through conferences, interministerial projects as well as educational programs (designed for High schools as well as Post-graduate levels). Before integrating the academic field, Lamiss volunteered in different Egyptian local organizations focusing on developmental issues : upgrading informal neighborhoods, reflecting upon gender-based questions, promoting environmental projects.