Home>Academics>International and National Dual Degrees>Dual degree with AgroParisTech
Dual degree with AgroParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences)
Three-Year Dual-Degree
Programme in French
Sciences Po has partnered with AgroParisTech to offer a dual Master's degree programme. AgroParisTech's mission is to train future engineers and decision-makers in the fields of life, food and environmental sciences, in order to make a significant contribution to the challenges of sustainably feeding a growing population, preserving natural resources and supporting innovation.
The objective is to offer AgroParisTech engineering students and Sciences Po students the means to acquire dual expertise that will be recognised on the labour market.
This dual degree invites students to explore political, economic, social and cultural processes through a dialogue between the social sciences studied at Sciences Po (law, economics, history, political humanities, political science and sociology) and science at AgroParisTech.
The objective is for students to gain a deeper understanding of scientific issues and subjects thanks to the acquisition of specific scientific expertise combined with a social science perspective. These two complementary approaches offer students solid conceptual and methodological tools with which to parse the world's complexity.
The dual degree programme takes three years. For Sciences Po students, it is organised as follows:
- The first year takes place at Sciences Po. Students complete the courses for the first-year curriculum of their chosen Master's programme.
- The second and third years take place at AgroParisTech.
There are four concentrations available: Sustainable production, networks and land; Engineering of food products, biomolecules and energy; Environmental engineering and management; Engineering and health: man, biological products and the environment.
Once they have completed the courses at both institutions and satisfied all course requirements, students are awarded a Sciences Po Master's degree and a Master's level engineering degree from AgroParisTech.
This dual degree is designed for students seeking expertise in the health, environment, energy or sustainable development sectors so they can work towards developing efficient, sustainable responses to contemporary global challenges—particularly those caused by climate change.
Only Sciences Po students currently enrolled in the first year of their Master’s at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), the School of Public Affairs, the School of Management and Impact or the Urban School, or in a gap year between Master 1 and Master 2 at Sciences Po, are eligible for this dual degree programme. The first year of the Master's programme will count as the first year of the dual degree programme.
To apply for this double degree, you must have a bachelor’s degree in science, obtained either at Sciences Po as part of a dual programme at the Undergraduate College or at another institution, before being admitted to Sciences Po at the graduate level.
You are allowed to apply only once during your Master’s studies, and the application shall take place the year before the admission. In case of admission, it won't be possible to postpone it.
If you are currently enrolled in a dual degree, you are not allowed to stand for another program and your application will be declared inadmissible.
For PSIA students: please inform your academic advisor of your intention to apply before the course registrations of the spring semester (you may need to adjust your choice of concentration courses).
Compulsory supporting documents:
- Fill out the AgroParisTech application form 2025-2026 (PDF in French, 180 Ko);
- A photocopy of your passport or ID card;
- A CV;
- A cover letter (one to two pages) explaining your project concerning the double degree;
- Your academic transcripts (from the first year of study in higher education) and the cumulative media for each academic period.
- A copy of your diplomas
Your complete application (including all the required documents) must be sent as one single PDF document (<10 Mo) before February 3rd, 2025, at noon (Paris time) via the form below:
Link to the application form (accessible with your Sciences Po ID)
No applications submitted after the set deadline will be considered.
If you encounter technical difficulties while submitting your application file, please send a copy of this file, in a single PDF document, to the following address: doubles.diplomes@sciencespo.fr.
Calendar for the admissions procedure
- 26 November 2024: information meeting about the double degree programme
- February 3rd, 2025, before noon (Paris time): deadline for application submission
- February 2025: applications evaluated by Sciences Po programme coordinators
- March 2025: pre-selection results
- 24-28 March 2025: interviews with AgroParisTech programme coordinators
- April 2025: admission results announced without specialisation
- May 2025: Confirmation of the specialisation domaine
Tuition fees
Each academic year, students are required to pay the tuition and registration fees to the university where they are studying. A student from Sciences Po pays Sciences Po fees in the first year of the Master’s programme and the AgroParisTech fees for the next two years.
Students admitted to the dual degree programme may be eligible for needs-based financial aid, including fee waivers.
If you have any questions, please contact: doubles.diplomes@sciencespo.fr
Additional Information
Read the presentation of the Dual Degree, November 28, 2024 (PDF in French, 1.4 Mo)