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Dual degree with University of St. Gallen

Section #programmes

Mastering several languages, knowing different European cultures and adopting a global perspective is more and more essential nowadays. In the current job market, the multidisciplinary curriculum is one of the key success for a career in the international setting. 

This is exactly to for these reasons that the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po and the University of St.Gallen, both members of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), have created a dual degree programme in international affairs.

This two-year programme intends to prepare students and future decision-makers for internationally focused jobs, both in the private and public sectors.

Programme overview

Section #year-1

Year 1 at Sciences Po

During the first year of the Dual Degree, students may join one of the seven Master's programs offered by the Paris School of International Affairs.

In order to help students of this dual degree to integrate and develop multicultural skills, during the first year at Sciences Po, students of the dual degree are gathered in a Franco-Swiss joint seminar, led by professors of both universities.

Students must validate all required courses to the value of 60 ECTS credits during the first year at Sciences Po according to PSIA Dual Degree structure to be permitted to proceed to St. Gallen for the second year.

Section #year-2

Year 2 at the University of St.Gallen

The second year of the degree takes places at the University of St.Gallen, where students join the Master of International Affairs and Governance.

In this framework, they have the possibility to deepen their knowledge and competences in the subjects that are at the heart of the University of St.Gallen's expertise: economics, management and business. At St.Gallen students can follow courses taught in English or in German (nevertheless, German is not a mandatory language). 

Students remain enrolled in both institutions for both years; they will therefore benefit from all the students’ services (free access to library, student unions, career services…). 

Section #admissions


The dual degree is open to all candidates worldwide. Students interested in this dual degree should apply directly via the Sciences Po Admissions website.

Section #fees

Tuition fees

Students pay their fees:

Financial support

Find out about the financial aid available on the following pages:

Section #contacts

Contacts us

At Sciences Po

  • Philippine Devillers, Country Manager, International Affairs Division, Sciences Po, email | phone: +33 (0)1 45 49 38 79
  • Contact the Admissions office regarding application procedures and requirements.  
  • Catarina Laranjeira, Assistant Dean for Admissions, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), email

At St.Gallen

  • Dr. Daniela Engelmann, Master in International Affairs and Governance (MIA), email | phone: + 41 71 224 31 33