Home>Academics>One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies>Master in Advanced Global Studies: Capstone Project
Master in Advanced Global Studies: Capstone Project
About MAGS’ Capstone Project
The Capstone Project is a mandatory and credited component of the MAGS curriculum, it is worth of 12 ECTS. It is a group project conducted by students between October to May on a part-time basis simultaneously with their other full-time academic activities. Like a consulting unit, a group of 3-5 students will be formed to conduct analysis and research, develop a solution, and compose final recommendations/ deliverables on a topic proposed by a host organization.
Each Capstone Group will receive support from a Host (Organization) Advisor and a Capstone Academic Advisor. The Host Organization will provide students with a welcoming and practical learning opportunity and will support them in empirical study. It will provide a Capstone project along with relevant background and contextual information. A Host Advisor will serve as the point person for the Host Organization, and will provide information and guidance to the students, and coordinate organizational resources and information.
The Capstone Project is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary learning experience, which aims to train students to take advantage of team members’ diverse backgrounds, practice project management, time management, leadership, and teamwork, encourage a broader understanding on conceptual and empirical strategic development, and resolve real-world challenges for a partner organization.
What are students’ expected deliverables and how the Capstone project is evaluated?
Students are expected to have regular meetings with their Host Advisor (at least once every 3 weeks) and Capstone Academic Advisor.
The students will produce an agreed set of deliverables that is adapted to the organization, and is consistent with expected standards for a professional project, including but not limited to:
• An analysis of the situation
• Concrete and applicable recommendations
• An action plan/timeline
• Tools and resources to put in place
• A budget, if necessary
Each group will make a final presentation of their project. This will be organized in the form of an oral presentation. Each group will also produce a written report, which could be an Executive Summary. The format of the final product can vary from project to project, but it shall correspond to the professional format used or expected by the host organization.
The Capstone project is graded pass/fail. An evaluation panel composed of the Host Advisor and representatives of the host organization, the Capstone Academic Advisor, and representatives from PSIA will determine if the students have fulfilled the requirements.
Each student will complete a Self-reflection form, and each Host Advisor and Capstone Academic Advisor will submit their Evaluation Forms for grading in May.
The evaluation will be based on a matrix of skills:
· Project management
· Professionalism and teamwork
· Research and analysis
· Critical thinking
· Problem-solving and creativity
· Written and oral communication
· Effectiveness and relevance of recommendations
List of Capstone Topics 2023-24
- Linking Evidence to Policy: Environmental Governance for Peace hosted by UNDP
- Societal vulnerability and fair transition: investigating the distributional effects and social cost of the climate transition in Brazil hosted by UNESCO
- Promoting and enabling responsible business conduct through development cooperation hosted by OECD
- Unleashing the Potential of artificial intelligence in Development Cooperation: A Comprehensive Analysis and practical considerations to enhancing the effectiveness of development cooperation systems hosted by OECD
List of Capstone Topics 2022-23
- Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change hosted by UNESCO
- Transforming MEN’talities Initiative hosted by UNESCO
- Fit for Life Labelling for Sustainable Sports Events hosted by UNESCO
- Green hydrogen foreign policy design, strategic influence-building, and institutions hosted by Green Hydrogen Division, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HYDROGEN ENERGY (IAHE)
Key facts
- One-year Master's
- Language: English
- ECTS: 90 minimum