Home>Academics>Master Programs>Degree Requirements for PSIA students
Degree Requirements for PSIA students
Please note
PSIA students are subject to Sciences Po’s Academic Rules and Regulations, including the specific requirements for Master students outlined in Articles 35-45. Please review them carefully, in particular Article 44: Conditions for obtaining the Sciences Po Master degree.
As stated in Article 44, Sciences Po students must complete "all specialized courses required by the Master program in which they are enrolled."
- In order to be considered for their degree, students must meet the specific requirements for their PSIA Master programs, including validation of the correct number and type of courses and validation of the required volume of ECTS credit, as detailed below.
- In order to be considered for their degree, dual degree or joint degree students must also fulfil the specific requirements of the dual degree university partner or the School of Journalism, and validate courses with them to the value of at least 60 ECTS.
- Students who make no attempt at any element of assessment for a course will be considered to have not completed the course and will receive a grade of DF (‘default’ or incomplete) and zero (0) ECTS credit.
- In order to validate a Concentration, students must validate 3 courses from those offered within that Concentration. The name of a Concentration will not appear on a transcript or degree certificate if it has not been validated.
- A student will not be recommended for the award of a degree if s/he has not attempted and validated the correct number of courses detailed in the Requirements for the relevant PSIA MasterRegulations except in very rare cases where, in the judgement of the examiners, the attempt or validation of one or more course(s) was directly affected by exceptional circumstances which were sudden, unforeseen and out of the student’s own control.
The specific Requirements for all PSIA Master programs (for students entering in 2020/21 and after) appear below.
Requirement by PSIA Master program
Regular two-year Master Degree Program
Students registered for any regular 2-year degree program at PSIA must attempt and validate (pass) courses according to the chart below.
Requirement for two-year Master Degree Program:
Type of course | # to attempt | # to validate | ECTS |
1. Master’s specialisation core | 6 | 6 | 36 |
2. Concentration 1 | 3 | 3 | 18 |
Option between: 3a. Concentration 2 or 3b. ‘Enhanced’ Master core or Law School clinic* |
3 3 3-4 |
3 3 3-4 |
18 18 16-22 |
4. Sciences Po common core (Formation Commune) | 2 | 2 | 8 |
5. Quantitative Skills | 1 | 1 | 4 |
6. Semester 3: ‘hors les murs’ | x | x | 30 |
7. Grand Oral | x | x | 6 |
Total | 15 | 15 | 120 |
* 3b. Only students on certain PSIA programs are eligible to apply for Law School clinics. The number of courses and credits vary according to each clinic.
Regular two-year Master Students must:
- Take and validate 6 core courses as required by the structure (maquette) of their specific Master specialisation.
- Take and validate 3 courses from those offered within one Concentration.
- Choose to :
- Take and validate 3 courses from those offered within a second Concentration, or
- Take and validate 3 additional courses from those offered within their specific Master specialisation, or eligible students may apply to take and validate all courses required for a Law School clinic instead.
- Take and validate 2 Sciences Po common core (formation commune) courses.
- Take and validate 1 Quantitative Skills course from those offered by PSIA.
- Complete and validate their 3rd Semester 'hors les murs'.
- Present and validate the Grand Oral.
Students must validate at least 11 of the 12 courses in categories 1-3 above. Students must validate all elements in categories 4-7. Students must secure at least 120 ECTS credits.
Dual Degree and Joint Degree Master Programs
Dual Degree and Joint Degree Students registered for a dual degree with one of PSIA’s international or national university partners or the joint degree with the School of Journalism must attempt and validate (pass) courses according to the chart below.
Requirement for two-year Dual Degree and Joint Degree Master Programs:
Type of course | # to attempt | # to validate | ECTS |
1. Master’s specialisation core | 5 | 5 | 30 |
2. Concentration 1 | 3 | 3 | 18 |
3. Sciences Po common core (Formation Commune) | 2 | 2 | 8 |
4. Quantitative Skills | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Total | 11 | 11 | 60 |
Dual Degree and Joint Degree Students must:
- Take and validate 5 core courses as required by the structure (maquette) of their specific Master specialisation at PSIA.
- Take and validate 3 courses from those offered within one PSIA Concentration.
- Take and validate 2 Sciences Po common core courses.
- Take and validate a Quantitative Skills course from those offered by PSIA.
Students must validate at least 7 of the 8 courses in categories 1-2 above. Students must validate all elements in categories 3-4. Students must secure at least 60 ECTS credits at PSIA.
One-Year Master Degree Program
One-year Master Students registered for the one-year Master in Advanced Global Studies must attempt and validate (pass) courses according to the chart below.
Requirement for One-Year Master Degree Program:
Type of course | # to attempt | # to validate | ECTS |
1. Master’s specialisation core | 6 | 6 | 36 |
2. Concentration 1 | 3 | 3 | 18 |
3. Quantitative Skills | 1 | 1 | 4 |
4. Winter Bootcamp | x | x | 4 |
5. Summer Session | x | x | 16 |
6. Capstone Project | x | x | 12 |
Total | 10 | 10 | 90 |
One-year Master Students must:
- Take and validate 6 core courses as required by the structure (maquette) of their specific Master specialisation.
- Take and validate 3 courses from those offered within one Concentration.
- Take and validate a Quantitative Skills course from those offered by PSIA.
- Complete and validate the Winter Bootcamp
- Complete and validate the Summer Session
- Take and validate the Capstone project, which includes group work and an individual component.
Students must validate at least 8 of the 9 courses in categories 1-2 above. Students must validate all elements in categories 3-6. Students must secure at least 90 ECTS credits