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Special features
Please note: Special features are optional. For students who opt to take a special feature, please select one only.
Team Projects
The cooperative project is an optional module offered to the Master’s students, which counts for 6 ECTS. Based on a professionally oriented experience, the cooperative project allows students to acquire professional reflexes and behaviour.
Students are split into teams, 3-5 in each, to carry out a project in tandem with a public institution, a company or an association, from September to May, with an average of four hours of works a week.
Please see the list of Cooperative Projects as well as additional information on our webpage.
Please note the application to a cooperative project is not compatible with the application to the Law Clinics and the Capstone Course “International Law in Action” offered as a Master core course in the Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. Students need to pick one or the other.
f you have any question, please consult this webpage or contact our team: projets.collectifs@sciencespo.fr