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Episode 1: Climate migration, myth or reality? 

Hello and welcome to our first episode of the Climate Unpacked podcast!

In this episode we had an insightful discussion with Dr. Caroline Zickgraf about the relationships between climate change and migration. Dr. Zickgraf is a lecturer for the course “Environment and Migration” at Sciences Po Paris, a member of the Advisory Group to the UNFCCC Task Force on Displacement and the Deputy Director of the Hugo Observatory at the University of Liège, which is a research centre studying the interactions between environmental changes, human migration, and politics.

Student podcast producers: Raïssa Kandé Tiéné, Antoine Gérardin, Allegra Ponti, Joanna O’Flynn and Valeria de los Casares 

Students featured in this episode: Raïssa Kandé Tiéné and Antoine Gérardin 

*Music by madirfan/Pixabay

Please note:  This podcast is student-produced. The views and opinions expressed in the episodes are solely those of the guests. They do not represent or reflect the position of the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition, nor that of Sciences Po.