Latest student activities

As education is central to the mission of the Chair, our team has launched several efforts to encourage students’ involvement in sustainable development and climate outside of their courses.

The Chair’s Team offers the following student activities:

  • Student blog 
  • Student challenges and essay competitions
  • Student-led podcasts

More information on our activities will be shared here regularly.

28 August 2024

Take part in the Chair’s Green Finance Challenge with HSBC Continental Europe!

All current students of Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) and the École d’Affaires Publiques (EAP) are invited to take […]
24 July 2024

Energy efficiency support schemes for energy poor consumers: The role of utilities in the EU’s just energy transition

By Elin ADOLFSSON, Margherita CAMURRI, Adrian GAGU, Dafina MARASHI, Kira PAKARINEN Abstract Energy poverty has become a significant concern in […]
24 July 2024

Energy transition in the building sector: Attracting women professionals

By Llauré BRAUN, Carolina GONÇALVES, Pia Marie KEPLER, Yihong LIU Abstract The European Union (EU) is currently navigating its energy […]
24 July 2024

How to improve Integrated Home Renovation Services? Case studies and comparison of four initiatives

By Axel BLANADET, Justine KLAUS, Léa NASSIF, Taicheng JIN Abstract This study aims at identifying the best practices of four […]
24 July 2024

One-stop shops for energy communities: Mapping service design attributes, synergies, and challenges

By Julianna PUETT, Irene PEREZ BELTRAN, Amelie CLEMOT, Vincent GUILLEE, Katya DIAZ SALCEDO Abstract This report explores the role and […]
24 July 2024

REPowerEU from the bottom-up: An analysis of EU-funded projects in presenting concrete solutions with a bottom up approach

By Susanne DE JONG, Giulia HONEGGER, Clara LUZ, Shaida MAHMOUD, Côme THIROT Abstract The European Union relies on several programmes […]
16 July 2024

Launch of the Premier Issue of the Sciences Po Energy Review

Read and download the first issue of the Sciences Po Energy Review here About the Sciences Po Energy Review The […]
17 May 2024

Podcast: Gender and Plant-Based Diets

Reducing meat consumption will be pivotal for slashing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally and fighting climate change. Food production accounts for around one-third of the world’s […]
7 May 2024

AIRE Award for Environmental Student Research 2023-2024

Objective L’Atelier Interdisciplinaire de Recherches sur l’Environnement (Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on the Environment), [AIRE] is an initiative linked to the […]
5 March 2024

Call for Submissions to the Premier Issue of the Sciences Po Energy Review

Founding Statement The Sciences Po Energy Review is a publication to advance dialogue about energy. Motivated by the pressing global […]