About us

The European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition is a research body hosted at Sciences Po Paris.

Our mission is to study implementation pathways for sustainable policies and the climate transition in Europe and globally, and to support the European Green Deal’s ambitious objectives. To this end, we are committed to establishing a broad network of actors who will contribute to research, education, and discussions on important topics such as just transition, climate mitigation and adaptation, energy transition, and green finance.

Latest news

23 April 2024

Blog: The Role of Start-Ups in the Green Transition

Reflections on the role of start-ups in the digital and green transition, inspired by the OECD workshop ‘Start-ups and scale-ups […]
17 April 2024

Event: The European Green Deal

A summary of this event including the replay of the video can be found here. An Event in Two Parts […]
8 April 2024

Event Summary: Making Transatlantic Relations Green

By Sarah Thompson, Senior Research Programme Manager for the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition, Sciences Po A […]
4 April 2024

CERI Seminar on the European Green Deal: Assessing Previous National Commitments

The European Green Deal rests on the implementation of key energy and climate directives such as the energy efficiency directive […]
21 March 2024

Conference on the Future of Transatlantic Relations

A summary of this event including the replay of the video can be found here. Through four distinct panel discussions, […]
5 March 2024

Call for Submissions to the Premier Issue of the Sciences Po Energy Review

Founding Statement The Sciences Po Energy Review is a publication to advance dialogue about energy. Motivated by the pressing global […]
6 February 2024

European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition: Starting a second 3-year mandate

We are delighted to announce that the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition will proceed into its second […]
6 February 2024

Sciences Po Alumni conference: «Pouvons-nous à la fois atteindre la sécurité alimentaire et assumer la transition agro climatique ? » (FR)

(Text only in French) 📌📆 mercredi 28 février 2024 à 19h00. Paris 75007. Le groupe Environnement et Développement durable de Sciences […]
2 February 2024

New podcast episode with Chair founder Dr Shiv Someshwar on cities and climate action

How do urbanization and rural development impact communities differently? How can we make public policy and enlightened self-interest advance climate […]
18 December 2023

COP28 & the future of fossil fuels: A historic agreement and hopes ahead.

By Valeria de los Casares, Research Assistant for the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition Introduction – Expectations […]