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Dual degree with London School of Economics (LSE)

Section #programmes


Sciences Po and LSE have combined their reputations and the quality of their teaching to offer outstanding students with (at least) an undergraduate degree, the choice of two high quality dual degree programmes: 

  1. the Double Degree in International Affairs, leading to a Master's degree from the Paris School of International Affairs of Sciences Po and either the MSc in International Relations or the MSc in International Political Economy from LSE’s Department of International Relations.
  2. the Double Degree in the Political Economy of Development, leading to a Master's degree from the Paris School of International Affairs of Sciences Po and the MSc in Development Management of LSE’s Department of International Development.

Both programmes are designed to train students for strategic and operational careers in the specific international field of study followed at each university.

Both programmes are based on reciprocal recognition of the curriculum and evaluation of the other university.

The structure of the two dual degree programmes are the same, with students spending:

  • Year 1 at the Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po
  • Year 2 at the London School of Economics in either the Department of International Relations or the Department of International Development. 

Students are enrolled in both institutions in both years, and therefore benefit from access to all student services (libraries, students’ union, career services) for the duration of the programme.

Students must validate their course work under the requirements of the university at which they are studying.  Providing all course requirements have been met in both institutions, students will graduate after two years with a Master de Sciences Po and an Master of Science from the LSE.

Both dual degree programmes provide graduates with the opportunity to develop a top-level career in private, public or non-governmental sector in an international context. 

Section #year-1

Year 1 at Sciences Po

During the first year of the Dual Degree, students may join one of the following Master's programs offered by the Paris School of International Affairs.

PSIA is committed to adapting to the complex and ever-changing global environment.  We seek to train our students, the leaders of the future, about how to understand, navigate and engage with these complexities and changes. 

Students must validate all required courses to the value of 60 ECTS credits during the first year at Sciences Po according to PSIA Dual Degree structure to be permitted to proceed to LSE for the second year.

Section #year-2

Year 2 at London School of Economics (LSE)

The second year is spent at LSE and runs from mid-September until the end of August of the following year. It comprises three terms and the summer period for completion of the dissertation. 

Students on the Double Degree in International Affairs will enrol in either the MSc in International Relations or the MSc in International Political Economy.  

Students on the Double Degree in the Political Economy of Development will enrol in the MSc in Development Management.

Section #admissions


Application process

Candidates to these dual degree programs apply directly on the Sciences Po website (online application only).

Applicants are selected on the strength of their applications only. The final admissions decision is made by a jury with members from both universities.


Both dual degree programmes welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates and seek to recruit students with the very best academic merit, potential and motivation, irrespective of their background. 

Section #fees

Tuition fees

Students pay their fees:

Financial support

Find out about the financial aid available on the following pages:

Section #contacts

Testimonials from our Graduates


At Sciences Po:

  • Contact the Admissions office regarding application procedures and requirements.  
  • Email Catarina Laranjeira, Assistant Dean for Admissions, PSIA regarding the first year of study at PSIA.


Graduate Admissions Office
LSE-Sciences Po Double Degree
Houghton Street
London W2CA 2AE