Home>AI and gender equality: friends or foes?


AI and gender equality: friends or foes?

About this event

07 March 2024 from 19:00 until 20:00

Organized by

Paris School of International Affairs; Paris Peace Forum

Advances in generative AI have shown technology’s potential to improve education, healthcare and employment. At the same time, we have witnessed the exacerbation of pre-existing inequalities, discriminations and stereotypes. The session will explore both the risks to gender equality from AI developments and opportunities to build more ethical frameworks and guardrails to address gender biases in and from technology. 

The panel discussion will feature:

  • Fabienne Hara, Deputy-Director, Paris Peace Forum
  • Anne Bouverot, President of the Board Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris and Co-chair of the Committee on Generative AI of the French Prime Minister
  • Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO
  • Raphaële Xenidis, Assistant Professor, Sciences Po School of Law and Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow 
  • Nicolas Miailhe, Founder of the Future Society

The discussion will be chaired by Arancha González, Dean, Paris School of International Affairs

This event is co-organized by the Paris School of International Affairs and the Paris Peace Forum.

(credits: ©metamorworks/Shutterstock.com)

About this event

07 March 2024 from 19:00 until 20:00

Organized by

Paris School of International Affairs; Paris Peace Forum