Home>Erik, Presidential Management Fellow and Financial Analyst for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)


Erik, Presidential Management Fellow and Financial Analyst for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

Coming from the United States, Erik Rubinyi has graduated with a d>ual degree in International Economic Policy with Columbia University. He is Presidential Management Fellow and Financial Analyst for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in Washington DC.

What is your role and main responsibilities? 

I work in the Office of Mortgage Markets and my role is to monitor segments of the mortgage market, work on rulemakings, and conduct research exploring potential consumer harm. Specifically I cover the topics of rental housing, climate risk, valuations, and blockchain. As part of my 2-year program, I will be going on a rotation to another agency soon.

How did you secure this role? 

I applied for the Presidential Management Fellowship in Fall 2020. I was selected as a finalist and given the opportunity to apply for jobs within the US government exclusively available to fellows. The program provides easier hiring across many government agencies, a clear career progression, and training opportunities. I applied and interviewed for a handful of roles at different agencies before accepting my current position in June 2021. 

What is the most fascinating and/or surprising aspect at your role?

As part of the PMF program, I will rotate between at least two different postings within two years. This gives an opportunity for those considering work in government to have experience at multiple agencies. One surprising aspect of my role was the opportunity to work on creating regulations. Specifically, I conducted stakeholder interviews and facilitated an event to get feedback on how a rule may impact small businesses. 

How did your PSIA experience help you with the role? 

My PSIA experience taught me the importance of cross-country policy analysis and gave me a stronger foundation in economic policy. This helps with bringing a global perspective to a mainly domestic policy focused role. 

What advice would you give to others? 

If you are an American citizen and either an alumni or a second year student, apply for the Presidential Management Fellow (PMF) program! The application for 2023 PMFs opens September 13-27, 2022. In order to apply you will need a resume and a transcript that includes your planned or completed graduation date. If you have any questions, send me a message on LinkedIn!

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