Home>The future of EU science diplomacy


The future of EU science diplomacy

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19 February 2021 from 15:45 until 16:45

PSIA presents:


The future of EU science diplomacy ambitions: the insights from a policy-maker

>Friday 19 February 2021 | 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm CET

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Science diplomacy is more than a phenomena of politicisation of science and the scientization of politics. Mainly developed in the 2000s, the concept covers three key dimensions: diplomacy at the service of science (diplomacy for science), inversely, science at the service of diplomacy (science for diplomacy), and finally, the scientific stakes and expertise at the heart of geopolitical evolutions, whether of a state, a multilateral or a non-governmental institution (science in diplomacy).

The lecture will be given by Maria Cristina Russo, Director for International Cooperation in Research & Innovation at the European Commission. The discussion will be chaired by Stéphanie Balme, Dean of Sciences Po Ungraduate College, Research Professor at PSIA and CERI. 

This event is offered as part of the course “Science Diplomacy: The Next Frontline To Global Challenges?” taught by Professor Stéphanie Balme in the spring semester at PSIA.




Maria Cristina Russo is Director for International Cooperation in DG Research and Innovation with responsibility for developing and implementing the EU international strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation and the international dimension of the Horizon programme. She has been working for the European Commission since 1992 where she held several policy and managerial positions related to external relations, the EU decisionmaking process and various EU policies, in particular research & innovation. She was part of the team dealing with technical assistance to former Soviet Union, then member of the Cabinet of the Commissioner in charge of research policy when the European Research Area was launched. She was later appointed Head of Unit in the Secretariat-General of the European Commission holding different positions dealing with interinstitutional relations and policy making, and in the department in charge of consumers' policies and financial services, before being appointed to her current position in 2013. Maria Cristina holds a degree in Political Sciences from the Luiss University of Rome and a Research Master Degree in European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges. She has three children.

Founding member of ESDI (European Science Diplomacy Initiative), member of the scientific committees of IHEDN (Institut des hautes études de Défense nationale) and EURICS (European Institute of China Studies) as well as vice-president of ECLS (EU-China Law Studies Association), Stéphanie Balme teaches Science Diplomacy, China’s Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), and EU-US-China relations.

About this event

19 February 2021 from 15:45 until 16:45