Home>Common Good in Today's World


Common Good in Today's World

About this event

11 October 2021 from 19:30 until 21:00

>We find ourselves in a time when seemingly insoluble problems in several arenas - public health, climate, income inequalities, technology transition, information dissemination, racial injustice - threaten our collective well-being. A key factor in all of them is a diminished sense of the common good across societies worldwide.

This event will provide a chance to exchange with leading experts about what's happened to the sense of the common good, and what are the constraints and incentives to restoring it in the modern world.

The roundtable discussion follows a day-long brainstorming at Sciences Po and is part of an overall development process for this initiative. A summary report will be distributed to all interested participants.

Why Common Good is Vital for Today's Interconnected World

Monday 11 October 2021 5.30pm - 7:00pm 

Amphitheater Chapsal, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume

Please register here


Lucy Bernholz, Stanford University

Lucy Bernholz is a Senior Research Scholar at Stanford University’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and Director of the Digital Civil Society Lab. She is the author of numerous articles and books, including the annual Blueprint Series on Philanthropy and the Social Economy and co-editor of the recent, Digital Technology and Democratic Theory.

Toni Johnson, Mission OutLoud

CEO and founder of Mission OutLoud, Toni Johnson works with marginalized communities to creative communications strategy and content to unleash their voices. She serves, also head of the 11 th Hour Project at The Schmidt Family Foundation.

Shivsharan Someshwar, Sciences Po

Shivsharan Someswhwar holds the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition at Sciences Po, Paris and is a visiting professor at Columbia University, New York, in the School of International and Public Affairs. He leads multidisciplinary research efforts on building development resilience to climate risks and advises governments and multilateral institutions.

Florence Verzelen, Dassault Systemes

Executive Vice President in charge of Industry, Marketing and Sustainability at Dassault Systemes (3DS), a Member of the Dassault Systemes Executive Committee. She serves on the boards of Air France, CNES and Institute Montaigne and is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique, Corps des Mines.


Frédéric Ramel, Sciences Po

Frédéric Ramel is full professor in political science at Sciences Po (Doctoral School) and a Director of Political Science Department and Research at CERI Center for International Studies. He has published in several peer-reviewed journals and was an expert for the National Fund for Scientific Research of Belgium between 2014 and 2019.


About this event

11 October 2021 from 19:30 until 21:00