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Maha Skah is an Associate Experts at the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. Her role centers around providing technical and political advice regarding the analysis of climate-related security risks. She also works with colleagues from UNDP, UNEP, and the Department of Peace Operations.
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Manuela Kiehl is a Climate Economist at Oxford Economics in London. She runs climate and energy scenarios as part of our ‘Global Climate Service’ Her work is to model and quantify risks to the global economy.
Camille Fogtdal is Partnerships and Communications Officer, at the World Food Programme Nordic Office. She is responsible for carrying out national political surveillance, monitoring trends and issues related to hunger and food security. Her advice to others is to embrace diverse experiences.
Marianna Montes Moreno is the Chief of International Affairs and Cooperation of the Office of the First Lady of the Republic of El Salvador. She is responsible for articulating international efforts with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, and the National Council for Early Childhood, Childhood, and Adolescence.
Fabian Keske is a Mercator Fellow on International Affairs. He has a Master in Environmental Policy from Sciences Po. He is currently working for the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance.
Alessa Wochner is manager in sustainability solutions at ENGIE Impact in Paris. She works in the BtB segment, serving big industrial clients across Europe. Her role is to assess the decarbonisation levers for their site portfolio.
Shriya Sundaram is the Coordinator of Partnerships at United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), in India. She was a recipient of the Eiffel Scholarship awarded by the French Government. Her role focuses on providing parametric microinsurance to vulnerable populations.
Anithasree Athiyaman is Senior Associate, Global Vaccines Delivery at the ClintonHealth Access Initiative (CHAI), in Cambodia. She graduated in International Development, with concentrations in Global Health & Human Rights and Humanitarian Action.
Boyun Yang is Investment Officer at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) AIIB is a multilateral development bank serving both public and private sector clients from a developmental perspective.
Michelle Lai is the Director of Sustainability at Condé Nast. She is responsible for developing Condé's first global sustainability strategy. Lai studied Environmental Policy and Human Rights at the PSIA.
Alberto Bailin Rivares is theco-founder of Lienzo, a company dedicated to transforming the fashion and luxury industries towards a more sustainable future. He graduated in International Economic Policy with concentrations on emerging economies and methods.
Marit Hjort has graduated in Environmental Policy with concentrations in Global Health and Africa. She works as a Climate Change Specialist at the World Bank’s Climate Change Group. She reviews all new World Bank projects to determine share of climate finance in each operation.
Akshaya Jose Devasia has graduated in International Security with a Concentration on Global risks and Diplomacy. She works as aResearch, Assessment, and Monitoring Officer at the UN World Food Programme inCambodia.
Ole Spillner is a Research Assistant in the Office of the Director for the German Council for Foreign Relations (DGAP) His Master Thesis dealt with the EU approach to governance of data. He says he was surprised how late the EU has been to the party on data governance.
Three PSIA students scooped three of the four inaugural AIRE Student Research CarbuncleAwards for their Master thesis. The awards were launched by the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Environmental Researchers [AIRE] to acknowledge and disseminate the best environmental research.
Mira Kovacova is co-founder of the Centre de Formation et d'Action Contre le Faim (CFAF) in Kinshasa, DRC. CFAF aims to address the silent hunger crisis in urban areas of the country. The DRC has attracted over 1 billion dollars in private-public partnerships.
Hélène Le Brun has graduated in Environmental Policy. She is an Associate Project Officer at UNESCO in Paris. Her role is to support the work of the MAB Secretariat.
Aurea Santos has graduated in the one-year Master in Advanced Global Studies. She is Senior Content & Public Relations Strategist at the Rotary International in Brazil.
Mindie Bernard is a Researcher at Inclusive Development International in Accra, Ghana. She investigates companies, governments, and banks that own and fund projects that cause human rights violations. She also trains civil society actors in Africa, South America, and southeast Asia.
Andreas Holzinger is Director for Francophone West Africa Innovations for Poverty Action in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He graduated in International Development with a Dual Degree with the Freie University of Berlin.
Lukas Drammeh is a Junior Advisor at the Deutsche Gesellchaft für InternationalZusammenarbeit (GIZ), Ethiopia and Djibouti. He works at GIZ (German Development cooperation agency) in the “SIMPI’s Migration Policy Implementation” project.
Beatrice Juskaite has Graduated in Human Rights & Humanitarian Action. Coming from Lithuania, she is DPhil (PhD) student in Migration Studies at the University of Oxford.
The fifth edition of the Paris Peace Forum took place in 2022. The Forum focused on preventing a destructive world polarization. It also explored how to mitigate the multiple shocks and socio-economic aftermath of the crises.