Home>Bilen, Innovation and Experimentation Project Manager, French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion


Bilen, Innovation and Experimentation Project Manager, French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion

   Bilen Barzaghi


Coming from Italy, Bilen Barzaghi has graduated in International Governance and Diplomacy with concentrations in Project Management and Diplomacy. 

Bilen is Chargée de mission Innovation et Expérimentation/Innovation and Experimentation Project Manager within the strategy department at the Délégation Générale à l'Emploi et la Formation Professionnelle at the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion, in Paris 

What are your main responsibilities?

The team I am part of has been created for the deployment of the "Plan d’Investissement dans les Compétences" (Skills Investment Plan), launched by the French government in 2018, aimed at upskilling vulnerable communities (with a focus on young and least qualified jobseekers). The plan is also included in the vocational training reform and complements the “law on the freedom to choose one’s professional future” of September 2018. My responsibilities within the Plan d’Investissement dans les Compétences"(PIC) encompass several key areas. Firstly, I am tasked with maintaining communication and collaboration with projects that receive funding through the PIC. This involves ensuring that these projects are aligned with their objectives and addressing any inquiries or special requests they may have. Additionally, I am in charge of coordinating efforts with the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.

In preparation for the implementation of the new "Project Full Employment" law, my role extends to the groundwork for its successful launch. This includes focusing on the prefiguration of the law's information system and the establishment of a robust control and monitoring framework, beginning in 2023. Beyond my involvement with the PIC, I am also engaged in various projects with the Innovation Lab. Currently, my efforts are directed towards co-organizing the month of Public Innovation, conducting a comprehensive benchmark analysis of public innovation, and assisting in the facilitation of Territorial Labs in collaboration with regional stakeholders and Pole Emploi.

What is the most fascinating part of your job?

The most fascinating part of my job is to be able to actually change people's lives, complementing the “law on the freedom to choose one’s professional future”. All of this using creativity, innovation and experimentation. 

What advice would you give to current students?