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Paris Peace Forum 2019: Ready to be a Speaker?

PSIA and the Paris Peace Forum team are looking for students to participate as Speakers at the Paris Peace Forum 2019. Deadline: 21 Oct 2019

The Paris Peace Forum is an international event focused on reviving and improving global governance(click here for more information). As one of our student speakers, you will get the unique opportunity to join one of the following panels:


Date: Tuesday 12 November, 15h45 – 16h30 (the date and time of the panel are subject to change due to the nature of the event).

Format: Talks

Description: Media are considered the Fourth Estate of political systems. With their vast social influence, newspapers, blogs, radio stations and other outlets also serve as transmission belts between citizens and their governments. In this session, we want to look more closely at the media’s capacity to improve dialogue between different social groups and governing institutions. Join project leaders from around the world who will share their experiences with the media, especially regarding their role in accessing reliable information and achieving social inclusion.


Date: Wednesday 13 November, 10h00 – 10h45 (the date and time of the panel are subject to change due to the nature of the event).

Format: Conversation

Description: It is the combination of structural vulnerability and lack of population preparedness that causes major disasters, not natural hazards themselves. As a result, climate change increases the vulnerability of local communities more exposed to climate risks, ecosystem degradation, reduced water and food availability, and livelihood changes. How can we ensure that communities, countries and regions have the prevention, mitigation, adaptation and response mechanisms in place to reduce the intensity of impacts and preserve livelihoods and development?


Date: Wednesday 13 November, 14h00 – 14h45 (the date and time of the panel are subject to change due to the nature of the event).

Format: Conversation

Description: In all regions of the world, youth face rising unemployment, insecurity, and decreasing social welfare. Although they are social actors with the necessary skills and abilities to constructively solve their own problems, there is too often a failure or even a refusal to recognize the benefits of their participation in the processes and decisions shaping their future and well-being. This panel will discuss ways to make youth participation meaningful. Let’s allow youth-led projects to show us how to walk the talk.


Applications are open to all students currently enrolled in a PSIA program, including dual-degree and exchange students. Students who have already been selected to volunteer at the Paris Peace Forum under the PSIA Volunteer Program are strongly encouraged to apply!

Students will be jointly selected by PSIA and the Paris Peace Forum team on the basis of their résumé, their motivation and their knowledge of the chosen topic/theme. 

Keep in mind that selected students will be required to arrive to the event venue (La Grande Halle de La Villette) at least one hour before the start of the panel discussion in which they will participate.

Due to the high-profile nature of the event, all volunteers will require a security clearance by the Paris Police Prefecture (Préfecture de Police de Paris), which will allow them to receive a badge and to access the event venue. Thus, the participation of selected students will be contingent upon successfully obtaining said security clearance.

Please note that there are no speaker fees. PSIA speakers are responsible for their own transport arrangements and accommodation. The dress code will be formal.

Course attendance: Absences from PSIA courses will be justified for all students selected as volunteers for the Paris Peace Forum. Nevertheless, you must keep in mind that Article 5 on Student Default of Sciences Po's Academic Rules and Regulations will still apply – (justified) absences during the Paris Peace Forum will count towards the two absences per course that are allowed for in accordance to such Rules and Regulations.

Application process

If you wish to apply to the be a Speaker at the Paris Peace Forum, please fill out the following online application form and submit it no later than Monday 21 October 2019, 23:59 (Paris time). 

All applications will be jointly reviewed by both PSIA and the Paris Peace Forum team. Shortlisted candidates will be announced on Tuesday 22 October 2019. Interviews with the shortlisted candidates will be conducted at the PSIA Secretariat on Thursday 24 October 2019.

The final results of the selection process will be announced on Monday 28 October 2019.

By completing and submitting the online application form, you acknowledge and consent to the processing of your personal data by the Paris Peace Forum team, the PSIA Events team and, if selected as a speaker, by the Paris Police Prefecture (Préfecture de Police de Paris).

Contact information

If you have any questions or are experiencing any difficulties with your online application, please contact us at the following email address: students@parispeaceforum.org.

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