Home>Samantha, 2024 Summa Cum Laude in International Security


Samantha, 2024 Summa Cum Laude in International Security


Coming from Rwanda, Samantha Teta has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Security.

What skills/strategy helped you to succeed at PSIA?

Curiosity and open-mindedness. I came to PSIA after working for 2 years in the diplomatic world. I have had amazing professors throughout who have helped me reconcile my real-world experience with academia. I see curiosity as a skill because it trains your mind to see the gaps and patterns and seek answers. I enjoyed being in an environment that nurtured my inquisitivity. 

What part of your PSIA experience do you think will be of greatest help in your career?

The people I have encountered here. Because of PSIA, I’m now certain that I can find a comfortable bed and warm meal in every part of the world. Everyone I have met here is deeply concerned about the state of our planet and politics, and I have no doubt that our worlds will intersect again in our different careers. Having PSIA in common will be a great icebreaker. 

What advice would you give to current and future PSIA students?

Do not be afraid to be an individual. Trust your voice, and your mind and be comfortable sharing your lived experiences. One of the best parts about PSIA is that a lot of us come from different backgrounds which makes for a very rich academic environment. When we stay true to who we are, we reveal and demonstrate to one another the complexity, beauty and diversity of our world. I believe that this awareness is critical to a contemporary approach to international affairs.

Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
