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Partnerships and Chairs

PSIA has established high profile partnerships with outstanding international institutions in the field, joining forces on specific projects and advancing a shared vision of international affairs, whether in teaching or contribution to the public debate.

International & National Dual Degrees

PSIA offers dual degree programs with prestigious international and French universities. Students usually spend the first year at PSIA and the second year at the partner university. Upon successful completion of both years, students earn a degree from each institution. Such global connections open a new range of possibilities to PSIA students.

Find out more about our International and National Dual Degrees.

Chair in Sovereign Debt and Finance

PSIA hosts a Chair in Sovereign Debt which brings together sovereign-debt practitioners and renowned academics in economics, law, finance, history, international relations, and political science to rethink sovereign funding from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Find out more about the Chair in Sovereign Debt and Finance.

European Chair for sustainable development and climate transition

PSIA and the School of Public Affairs (EAP) are hosting the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition at Sciences Po. The mission of the Chair is to advance education, innovation and public dialogue for the design and practice of policies for sustainable development and climate transition, within and outside of Europe. The key objective is to help advance goals of the European Green Deal, through a wide ecosystem of stakeholders in civil society, companies and governments.

Find out more about the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition.

Technology and Global Affairs Innovation Hub

The mission of the Innovation Hub is to explore how technology, including Artificial Intelligence, can be leveraged to respond to global challenges. Its activities are threefold: 1/ building resources and pedagogical content for students and practitioners, 2/ bringing multistakeholder leaders to advance common goals, and 3/ accelerating innovative technical projects and solutions. 

The Hub will be practical and action-oriented, and will provide a platform for the recently launched Master in Technology and Global Affairs, a dual degree between the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po and the School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs (SPEGA) at IE University, Madrid. 

Find out more about the Technology and Global Affairs Innovation Hub.

Global MDP Association

PSIA belongs to a Global Association of universities and collaborating organizations around the world offering a Master's in Development Practice (MDP) program. MDP programs are interdisciplinary graduate degree programs, preparing students to better identify and address the challenges of sustainable development.

At PSIA, the Master in Development Practice is one of seven tracks of the one-year Master in Advanced Global Studies program, which is designed for candidates with an undergraduate degree and at least 5 years of full-time professional experience. 

Find out more about the Global MDP Association.

APSIA Membership

PSIA is proud to be a full member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA). APSIA brings together the leading graduate schools around the world, which specialise in international affairs. 

Partnerships With Major Institutions

Section #afd

Agence Française de Developpement (AFD)

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is the main implementing agency for France’s official development assistance to developing countries and overseas territories. PSIA trains many young professionals who pursue careers in key sectors relevant to AFD’s mission, such as development practice and international development, and in countries where AFD is present.

In December 2012, AFD and PSIA launched a partnership reinforcing their links. This involved working on common projects, including a collaborative seminar on case study methodology, in which groups of PSIA students designed project management case studies relating to international development, working alongside project managers from the AFD.

Section #bosphore

Institut du Bosphore

The Institut du Bosphore, an independent French association established in Paris in 2009, and Sciences Po have developed a partnership designed to encourage opportunities to study and to foster debate about French-Turkish relationships. One of the main pillars of this cooperation is the annual "Sciences Po-Bosphorus Prize", which distinguishes outstanding papers written by undergraduate and graduate students of Sciences Po about French-Turkish relationships, with a focus on economic and business relations.

Sciences Po - Bosphorus Prize

The "Sciences Po-Bosphorus Prize" distinguishes outstanding papers written by undergraduate and graduate students of Sciences Po.

For its fifth edition, the Sciences Po-Bosphorus Prize invited students to work on the following topic: “Reinvigorating multilateralism and global cooperation for a more inclusive and green post-Covid world as a leverage for strengthening Turkey - France - EU relationship.”

The prize, which was publicly awarded during a joint event in May 2021, went to:

  • Louis Callonnec, student at the Undergraduate College of Sciences Po. Read his paper
  • Cosima Sagmeister, student in the dual degree between PSIA and King's College London. Read her paper
  • Friedemann Schmidt, student in the dual degree between PSIA and the London School of Economics. Read his paper

Sciences Po students were invited to submit a white paper on the topic: “Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11): which models and policies to enhance the cooperation and partnerships between France and Turkey” 

The prize, which was publicly awarded during a joint event in May 2020, went to:

  • Mathilde Fraisse, student in the Cycle d'Urbanisme, at the Urban School of Sciences Po. Read her paper.
  • Edward Hainsworth, student in the Master in Public Policy, at the School of Public Affairs of Sciences Po. Read his paper.

Sciences Po students were invited to submit a white paper on the topic: "Turkey, France, EU: What scope for solving common challenges?"

The prize, which was publicly awarded during a joint event in May 2019, went to:

  • Ediz Topçuoğlu, student in the Master in International Security at PSIA. Read his paper.
  • W. Jason Essomba, student in the Master in International Security at PSIA. Read his paper.

Sciences Po students were invited to submit a white paper on the following topic "Rethink Europe’s Future: Analyzing new geopolitical positioning of France and Germany and their implications on Turkey’s European integration process".

The prize, which was publicly awarded during a joint event in April 2018, went to:

  • Thomas Dumont, student in the Master in European Affairs, at the School of Public Affairs of Sciences Po. Read his paper.
  • Eva Fourel, student at the Undegraduate College of Sciences Po. Read her paper.

For the first edition of the prize, students were invited to reflect on the topic “European growth, emerging markets: economic and business relations between Turkey, France and Europe”.

The prize, which was publicly awarded during a joint event in April 2017, went to: 

  • Romuald de Pierrefeu, student in the Master in International Security at PSIA. Read his paper
  • Gürcan Gülersoy, a student at the Menton campus of the Undergraduate College of Sciences Po. Read his paper
  • Ediz Topçuoğlu, a student at the Dijon campus of the Undergraduate College of Sciences Po. Read his paper 
Section #casden


Since 2012, PSIA has offered courses for its students to learn about social innovation and to prepare themselves for potential careers linked to this booming sector. These courses provide theoretical and historical foundations, as well as the development of professional skills through group projects led by key actors in the field of social innovation and business in France. Casden is the founding partner of PSIA efforts to develop a platform for social innovation that encourages, nurtures and disseminates a variety of student and school-led initiatives.

PSIA-Casden Prize

Launched in 2021 as a new initiative, PSIA and Casden jointly offer a prize to PSIA students who will produce a paper dedicated to social entrepreneurship.

For the fourth edition, student were invited to submit a paper on the topic: Social Entrepreneurship and Democracy: To what extent does social entrepreneurship foster democratic change? 

The 2024 PSIA-CASDEN Prizes were awarded to:

  • Ellen DAHLFORS, student in the Master in International Development, first prize. Read the paper
  • Gayatri MADHUSUDAN, student in the Master in International Governance and Diplomacy, second prize. Read the paper
  • Agathe LE BLOA, student in the Master in International Development, third prize. Read the paper
  • Anaïs CHIGNARD, student in the Master in International Security, third prize. Read the paper

For the third edition, student were invited to submit a paper and a short video on the topic: Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Economy: can new forms of organization combine business models and social impacts?

  • Thomas MAZAS, student in the Master in Environmental Policy, first prize. Read the paper
  • Liana NDIAYE, student in the Master in International Governance and Diplomacy, second prize. Read the paper
  • Aniya HAMILTON, student in the Master in International Development, third prize. Read the paper

For the second edition, student were invited to submit a paper and a short video on the topic: Tackling inequalities: international best-practices from the social and solidarity economy. 

Prizes were awarded to: 

  • Ariana MELCHOR BAZALAR, student in the Master in International Development, first prize. Read the paper
  • Florian ROUX, student in the Master in International Economic Policy, second prize. Read the paper
  • Sheïma TEFRIDJ, student in the Master in International Development, third prize. Read the paper

For the first edition, students were invited to reflect on the topic: How can social and solidarity economy make a meaningful contribution to local development?

Prizes were awarded to:

  • Maria ZELENOVA, student in the Master in International Security, received the first prize. Read the paper
  • Maria FUSTIC, student in the Master in International Public Management, received the second prize. Read the paper.