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[INTERVIEW] “The EU-US Data Privacy Framework, with Bruno Gencarelli

On December 13th 2023, Sciences Po’s Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty held its annual Conference on: “The EU-US Data Privacy Framework: what future for transatlantic data transfers?” directly from the French Parliament in Paris.

This series of interviews was conducted by Can Şimşek, as part of the 2023 annual conference.

Bruno Gencarelli, Head of the International data flows and protection unit at the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers), expounds upon the differentiating features inherent in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework compared to its predecessors which have been annulled by the Court of Justice of the European Union. In particular, Gencarelli underlines the novelties within the US electronic surveillance framework, elucidating the nuances brought forth by the Executive Order signed by President Biden.

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Bruno Gencarelli is Deputy to the Director for Fundamentals Rights and Rule of Law, and heads the International Data Flows and Protection unit at the European Commission. He was in charge of the Commission’s work in the area of data protection in the decisive phases of the legislative reform of EU data protection law. He also led the negotiations of several data transfer arrangements, including the EU-Japan mutual adequacy arrangement creating the world’s largest area of free and safe data flows. He recently co-led for the EU the negotiations with the UK on all aspects relating to justice and consumers in the context of Brexit.