The first panel dissected the significance of the new DSA package for the Digital Single Market and how the European view for Big Tech differs from the reforms currently being discussed in the US. The debate brought together Ioannis Lianos, professor at University College London, and President of the Hellenic Competition Commission, Alexandre de Streel, professeur at the University of Namur et William Kovacic, professor at George Washington University, former Chair of the Federal Trade Commission et non executive Director of the UK Competition and Markets Authority. The discussion was moderated by Filippo Lancieri, Fellow at the Stigler Center of the University of Chicago.
The second panel discussed the aftermath of the Schrems II ruling and envision what the future legal framework governing data exchange across the Atlantic might look like. Florence G’sell, co-head of the Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty, moderated the discussion between Bruno Gencarelli, Head of the International data flows and protection unit at the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers), Theodore Christakis, professor at Grenoble Alpes University and Anupam Chander, professor at Georgetown University.