Regulation of digital markets

Europe’s digital economy is dominated by a small number of giant companies. It is hard to imagine life without them and the Covid-19 pandemic made this reality clearer than ever. Economically, big tech companies have been among the few winners of the health crisis. But governments are also increasingly concerned about private companies wielding –and often abusing– so much economic and political power. With the EU and other governments planning major new regulatory initiatives, we may look back on this moment as a turning point for the industry.

In this dossier, the Chair investigates these trends and dives into some of the issues brought to light by the pandemic and the resulting global crisis. Will tech giants ultimately profit from the crisis and strengthen their grasp on their markets and on our everyday life, or will governments make good use of this exceptional context to push greater regulations forward?

Additional contributions are available on the French version of this page.

13 August 2020

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[INTERVIEW] Competition law and online platforms in times of Covid19 : 3 questions to Rupprecht PODSZUN

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[INTERVIEW] Big Tech, antitrust, and the future of regulation : 3 questions to Randy PICKER

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