Platforms and Online Content

Online platforms are an essential part of the modern-day economic and social activities. After the measures taken against the Covid-19 pandemic all over the world, they became even more crucial for the daily lives of people living in countries with widespread internet connection. Given this ever-increasing role, online platforms raise challenging questions concerning governance and regulation. In fact, addressing the problems such as dissemination of false, hateful, manipulative, or criminal content, and tackling unfair economic practices are pressing priorities for policy makers.  

In this dossier, the Chair investigates the issues relating to the governance and regulation of online platforms by looking into the legislative proposals, public policies, administrative and judicial decisions surrounding them. 

Additional contributions are available on the French version of this page.

28 February 2023

[INTERVIEW] The legal and social challenges of Extended Reality worlds: 3 questions to Brittan Heller

By Tamian Derivry Extended reality (XR), which encompasses a variety of immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual […]
14 February 2023

[REVIEW] A look back at the Conference “ Content Moderation in the Age of DSA”

The Digital Services Act (DSA) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union at the end of October […]
6 January 2023

[CONTRIBUTION] New article on Lawfare on Elon Musk’s Twitter

By Florence G’sell It has been barely three months since Elon Musk, completed the Twitter takeover and swept into Twitter’s […]
29 August 2022

[ARTICLE] State Interest in Content Governance Through Platforms

By Simran Agarwal In India, content on media and technology platforms is, on the one hand, regulated by the state […]
12 July 2022

[STUDENT ESSAY] How Platform Regulation and the Misinterpretation of Law Reduce Creativity Online

By Laure Niclot The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair will now publish, on a regular basis, the finest essays and […]
28 June 2022

[STUDENT PAPER] Should we rethink the governance of platforms in order to create a system of checks and balances consistent with our democratic values?

The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair will now publish, on a regular basis, a selection of the finest essays and […]
27 June 2022

[STUDENT ESSAY] The filter bubble and me: how our voices are restricted by what we see

By Matthieu Lê The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair will now publish, on a regular basis, the finest essays and papers […]
18 June 2022

[STUDENT ESSAY] The role of social media platforms in the current Russo-Ukrainian conflict

By Pauline Fau The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair will now publish, on a regular basis, the finest essays and […]
4 June 2022

[STUDENT ESSAY] Are social media rendering criminal justice?

By Emma Joignant The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair will now publish, on a regular basis, the finest essays and […]
19 May 2022

[INTERVIEW] “Why transatlantic discussions on content policy are essential”, with Florence G’sell

Florence G’sell is professor of law at the University of Lorraine and holds the Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty at […]
13 May 2022

[INTERVIEW] “Regulating content more effectively”, with Leïla Mörch

Leïla Mörch is the Research Project Coordinator for the Stanford Content Policy & Society Lab In this interview, Leïla stresses […]
13 May 2022

[INTERVIEW] “Content Policy: is transparency enough?” with Rachel Griffin

Rachel Griffin is a PhD candidate and lecturer at Sciences Po Law School and research assistant at the Digital, Governance […]