8 June 2023

[STUDENT ESSAY] Filter Bubbles and their impact on Social Media

By Giovanna Hajdu Hungria da Custódia “Personalised outreach gives better bang for the political buck.” – Eli Pariser, The Filter […]
6 June 2023

[STUDENT ESSAY] Warnings from the US: The Relevance of Filter Bubbles in Polarized Countries

By Morgan Martel The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair will now publish, on a regular basis, the finest essays and […]
2 June 2023

[STUDENT ESSAY] Bridging the Bargaining Power Gap: Protecting News Media in the Digital Age 

By Milan Wiertz The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair now publishes, on a regular basis, the finest essays and papers […]
26 May 2023

[MEDIA] Why was Meta fined a record 1.2 billion euros?

On May 24, 2023, Florence G’sell was Guillaume Erner’s guest on the program Les Matins de France Culture. The podcast […]
20 May 2023

[ARTICLE] The Supreme Court of the United States dismisses the liability of social media platforms for hosting terrorist content

On May 18, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on two highly debated cases. In both cases, social media networks were accused of facilitating the organization of terrorist attacks by failing to effectively combat terrorist content on their platforms. As a result, their responsibility was called into question.
4 May 2023

[ARTICLE] Digital sovereignty in India: policy agenda, discourse, power and capability

By Tamian Derivry This year, the Chair has adopted a more international and less West-centric approach to digital sovereignty [...]