Data transfers and Privacy

With the adoption of the GDPR, the European Union has put in place strict standards guaranteeing effective protection of the personal data of European citizens. However, a similar level of protection cannot be seen in non-European countries, such as the United States. At the same time, the data collected in Europe by Big Tech companies is transferred within the US on an enormous scale. The purpose of this section is to analyze the difficulties and risks resulting from a new data economy that is largely based on the collection and transfer of data.

Additional contributions are available on the French version of this page.

24 September 2024

[REPORT] Regulating Under Uncertainty: Governance Options for Generative AI

The title of the report by Florence G’sell published by Stanford Cyber Policy Center – “Regulating Under Uncertainty: Governance Options […]
11 June 2024

[INTERVIEW] How to implement digital sovereignty? By Samuele Fratini

By Luca Lefevre What are the defining differences between sovereignty in general and digital sovereignty?  The traditional concept of sovereignty […]
10 June 2024

[CALL FOR PAPERS] The roots of AI rejection

THE ROOTS OF AI REJECTION Deadline July 7th 2024 Sciences Po Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair is opening up a […]
10 June 2024

[CALL FOR PAPERS] A critical study of policy initiatives requiring online age verification

A CRITICAL STUDY OF POLICY INITIATIVES REQUIRING ONLINE AGE VERIFICATION Deadline July 7th 2024 Sciences Po Digital, Governance and Sovereignty […]
27 May 2024

[STUDENTS POLICY BRIEF] GDPR: A Critical Investigation of Data Subject Rights

By Maryliz Abolou, Hamza Belgroun, Joshua Bernstein, Ellie Copeland, Janine Ecker, Nicolas Julian, Maria Chiara Liviano D’Arcangelo and Raja Madani, […]
19 April 2024

[INTERVIEW] European Personal Data in the USA: a transatlantic legal saga, with Florence G’sell

In this exclusive series of 3 video-interviews, Professor Florence G’sell, Sciences Po Digital Governance and Sovereignty Chairholder, delves into the […]
22 February 2024

[INTERVIEW] Privacy and Electronic Surveillance in the US Law, with Marc Rotenberg

On December 13th 2023, Sciences Po’s Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty held its annual Conference on: “The EU-US Data Privacy […]
21 February 2024

[INTERVIEW] The EU-US Data Privacy Framework, with Bruno Gencarelli

On December 13th 2023, Sciences Po’s Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty held its annual Conference on: “The EU-US Data Privacy […]
20 February 2024

[INTERVIEW] “The Trade Origins of Privacy Law” with Anupam Chander

On December 13th 2023, Sciences Po’s Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty held its annual Conference on: “The EU-US Data Privacy […]
8 September 2023

[STUDENT POLICY BRIEF] What specific measures could the US, the European Union and China take in order to foster and facilitate cross-border data flows?

By Veronica Arroyo, Karin Hess, Nicole Grünbaum & Gustavo Ribeiro The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair publishes, on a regular […]
7 July 2023

[STUDENT POLICY BRIEF] Is encryption a fundamental right? 

By Stavroula Chousou, Julia Magaud, Ludovica Pavoni & Morgan Williams The Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair publishes, on a regular […]
10 June 2023

[ARTICLE] What will happen to transatlantic data transfers following the sanction imposed by the Irish DPC on Meta?

by Florence G'sell On May 22, 2023, the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) published its decision of May 12, 2023 fining Meta Platforms Ireland Limited €1.2 billion for violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).