Data transfers and Privacy

With the adoption of the GDPR, the European Union has put in place strict standards guaranteeing effective protection of the personal data of European citizens. However, a similar level of protection cannot be seen in non-European countries, such as the United States. At the same time, the data collected in Europe by Big Tech companies is transferred within the US on an enormous scale. The purpose of this section is to analyze the difficulties and risks resulting from a new data economy that is largely based on the collection and transfer of data.

Additional contributions are available on the French version of this page.

26 May 2023

[MEDIA] Why was Meta fined a record 1.2 billion euros?

On May 24, 2023, Florence G’sell was Guillaume Erner’s guest on the program Les Matins de France Culture. The podcast […]
27 April 2022

[INTERVIEW] Missed opportunities in privacy regulation: 5 questions to Marc Rotenberg

In 2011, the US FTC issued a consent decree restricting how Facebook could use and share user data. How was […]
26 August 2021

[INTERVIEW] International trends in data protection and privacy regulations: 3 questions to Fabian DELCROS

Fabian Delcros has an extensive experience practicing and teaching data protection and trade negotiations. He teaches a class on “International […]
15 December 2020

[REPLAY] Data Governance after Schrems 2 – Annual Conference 2020

The second panel of the Chair’s 2020 Annual Conference discussed the aftermath of the Schrems II ruling and envisioned what […]
13 August 2020

[ARTICLE] How can data sovereignty be preserved after the Privacy Shield has been invalidated?

by Florence G’sell At a time when data are a strategic asset, their possible transfer to third countries where they […]