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Career opportunities in Health Sector with a master's degree

Careers in the healthcare sector (credits: Everything possible / Shutterstock)

The Global Health policy stream within Master’s programmes at the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs prepares its graduates for health-related careers across the public, private and non-governmental sectors.

Section #skills

Skills developed within the global health master’s policy stream at Sciences Po

The specialised global health programme offered at Sciences Po’s School of Public Affairs equips its students with professional skills in each of the following areas:

  • Analysis and evaluation of public health policy;
  • Design and implementation of public health policy at local, regional or national level;
  • Management and evaluation of health-related projects or programmes;
  • Development of innovative strategies and solutions to respond to needs and challenges in the health sector;
  • Health-related and humanitarian advocacy;
  • Use of scientific data to advance public health policies.

Find out more about the Global Health Master’s policy stream.

Section #fields

Professional fields in the health sector

The skills and knowledge students acquire over the course of the specialised global health programme open up career prospects in diverse fields:

  • Public administration in the field of health: government ministries, regional or national health authorities;
  • Healthcare facilities and networks, both public and private;
  • Healthcare consultancy firms;
  • Health insurance providers;
  • International organisations and NGOs;
  • Pharmaceutical companies, laboratories and research centres;
  • Associations and foundations;
  • Schools of Public Health, specialised institutes and higher education relating to health policy.
Section #career

Career paths and professions after a master’s programme in global health

Graduates of the Global Health policy stream go on to careers in highly varied fields and professions, whether in the public or the private sector, directly related to health or in other fields requiring public health expertise more broadly (education, social work, the environment, security, defence, nutrition etc.).

The programme gives its graduates access to a variety of professions and career paths in health-related fields:

  • Hospital or clinic director
  • Nursing or retirement home director
  • General, legal or client services manager
  • Director of finance at a healthcare institution
  • Human resources director in the healthcare sector
  • Social protection or private health insurance manager
  • Healthcare network manager
  • Quality assurance and health risk manager
  • Administrative manager in a hospital facility
  • Technical advisor in public health
  • Civil service administrator or contractor in a government ministry or health authority
  • Health crisis consultant
  • Consultant in healthcare system strategy and management
  • Consultant in healthcare services provision and patient relations
  • Consultant in healthcare innovation
  • Public affairs or institutional relations officer in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Policy officer at a health authority
  • Statistical analyst
  • Vaccination campaign lead
  • Preventive healthcare communications officer
  • Public health or healthcare project manager
  • Project coordinator at an international organisation or NGO
  • Humanitarian project coordinator
  • Public health policy analyst and evaluator
  • Clinical research officer


Examples of institutions and companies in the health sector

Our previous graduates of the Global Health Master’s policy stream have gone on to hold senior positions in various companies, organisations and institutions across the health sector.

Here are just a few examples of institutions and organisations that may interest students studying on the Global Health track.

Public bodies

Private companies

International organisations and NGOs

European agencies and institutions

Associations and foundations


Open house days 2024

Students in front of the entrance at 1 St-Thomas (credits: Pierre Morel)

Virtual Undergraduate Open House day on 30 November 2024

Come meet our teams and students at our campuses.


Virtual Graduate Open House day on 19 october 2024

Meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.


Key Figures

  • +2200


  • 11

    Policy streams

  • 15

    dual degrees

  • 17%

    international students

  • 11%

    bi-national students

  • 236

    students in apprenticeship track

  • 434

    students enrolled in the Preparation Center for French and European civil servants competitive exams