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What is the Policy Lab?
The Policy Lab is a learning, meeting and production space that brings together a wide range of participants (students, public actors, companies, teachers, researchers, civil society, etc.) to work on projects that contribute to the common good.
Firmly focused on training our students, the future public decision-makers, the Policy Lab contributes to the necessary reinvention of public action. We cannot solve today's major challenges (climate and environmental emergencies, digital transition, democratic crisis, etc.) using yesterday's methods. That's why we want to equip future public players to take a step forward in the way they design and implement public policies adapted to the real needs of citizens and the challenges of climate change.
In practical terms, the Policy Lab offers EAP students innovative, highly professionalising training modules that enable them to put their theoretical learning into practice and acquire skills that complement their coursework. Immersions in the field, formalising these ideas into concrete solutions, using experimental approaches - these are all skills that students have the opportunity to develop in groups and in collaboration with a wide range of partners.
For more information on the courses offered by Policy Lab, please refer to the pages dedicated to each programme:
Public Policy Incubator
Certificate in Gender Equality and Public Policy
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) initiative
GPPN Conference
You can also consult the latest Policy Lab news on this page.
Got a question? Have an idea? Feel free to contact the Policy Lab team!
Contact: policy.lab@sciencespo.fr