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A World Class International Research Institution


QS World University Rankings

According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024, Sciences Po has risen this year to the rank of 2nd best university in the world in “Politics” out of more than 1,500 international universities. 
For 6 years, Sciences Po has been in the top 3 of the best international universities in this category. Sciences Po also remains the leading university in the European Union in this discipline for the ninth consecutive year and is, for the first time, the 1st in Europe.

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Times Higher Education

The Times Higher Education (THE), which each year draws up world university rankings that have a strong following in the sector. In 2023, Sciences Po is ranked 39th in the world in social sciences, which is 11 places higher than in 2022.

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Academics distinctions

Thanks to the quality of their work, our researchers receive prizes, awards and grants that involve highly selective processes and are most often awarded by international juries.

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Public evaluations

Sciences Po has also been evaluated by public organisations: the HCERES (formerly AERES) and the CNRS. These assessments often result in increased public funding. Furthermore, the preparatory work for these evaluations provide an opportunity to conduct an in-depth review of the institution’s research outlook.