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Visiting Faculty

Every year, around a hundred researchers and professors from around the world come to conduct their research and teach at Sciences Po. During their stay, they are fully integrated into our university’s research activities.
A diverse array of calls for applications are open to faculty from all disciplines and all continents. Some calls are only open to professors from partner universities or pre-identified regions of the world.
Visiting professors are fully integrated into Sciences Po’s academic and scientific activities. They are expected to teach one full course (usually 12 sessions of 2 hours each, spread over 12 weeks) per semester. They are also expected to contribute actively to the research community they will join, and to deliver at least one academic lecture or seminar presentation during their stay.
Visiting faculty have access to a workstation on campus, to the Sciences Po library and other services offered by the university, as well as to Sciences Po's programme of research activities and events, particularly those of the research entity that is hosting them. Conditions, including financial terms, may vary from one programme to another; interested applicants are invited to refer to the details of each call for applications.

Section #recurrent
  • Global Visiting Faculty Program
    Open to outstanding candidates from all disciplines and all continents, to spend one semester at Sciences Po. 
    Open until 7 November - See Open Calls
  • AI and society (as part of the Open Institute for Digital Transformations at Sciences Po, TIERED project)
    Open to professors from all over the world working on the transformative role of AI in society
    Open until 7 November - See Open Calls
  • The Alfred Grosser Chair
    Open to professors of social sciences currently affiliated to German universities.
    Open until 7 November - See Open Calls

Calls to be renewed for 2025-2026

  • Exchange Program with Waseda University
    As part of its memorandum of understanding with Waseda University, Sciences Po is committed to sending two of its professors to conduct research or teach in Japan, and to inviting two researchers from Waseda.
    Open until early February
    See the 2024-2025 call
  • Exchange Program with Keio University 
    As part of its memorandum of understanding with Keio University, Sciences Po is committed to sending two of its professors to conduct research or teach in Japan, and to inviting two researchers from Keio.
    Open until early February
    See the 2024-2025 call
  • The Oxford-SciencesPo Network (OxPo)
    The Oxford-SciencesPo Network offers several visiting schemes for academics and students wishing to spend time to conduct individual research at the other institution.
    Visiting Professorships at Sciences Po (for Oxford academics) – See the 2023-2024 call 
    Opportunities for Oxford PhD students and junior researchers – See the 2023-2024 call 
    Open until mid-March
  • ALLIANCE Visiting Professor Program
    Open to faculty from Columbia University and Sciences Po, to spend one month, two months or a semester as a visiting professor at the partner university.
    Open until early December
    See the 2024-2025 call
  • Programme d'échange enseignants-chercheurs-  Université Luiss / Sciences Po - Année académique 2024/2025
    Open until mid-June
    See the 2024-2025 call 
  • The AxPo Observatory of Market Society Polarization is welcoming applications from senior academics for research stays of approximately 1-2 months 
    Open until mid-May
    See the 2024-2025 call
  • 30th August - The Alliance Program is calling for applications for visiting professors to Columbia University and Sciences Po.
    Open until end of August
    See the 2024-2025 call
  • 10th  September - 4th LIEPP International scholars in Policy Evaluation programme - Research Stay 
    Open until September
    See the 2024-2025 call