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Cross-Cutting Programmes
Cross-cutting programmes allow researchers from the different Sciences Po research units to jointly develop long-term research programmes.
The Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP)
The LIEPP is a "laboratoire d'excellence" (Labex) supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the French government, within the framework of the "Investissements d'avenir" programme.
The LIEPP aims to play a major role in evaluating various aspects of public policy through an innovative method based on multidisciplinarity and the combination of qualitative, comparative, and quantitative analysis. LIEPP also aims to develop and disseminate the best academic methods and research in the field of policy evaluation.
The research and educational programme of gender studies (PRESAGE)
PRESAGE, Research and Educational Programme on Gender Studies is Sciences Po’s gender studies programme. Created in 2010, PRESAGE encourages collaborations between Sciences Po’s different research units and by promoting interactions with foreign researchers. It rests on the assertion that gender studies do not constitute an academic discipline, but rather a field of research in constant renewal. In addition to the multidisciplinary approach of gender questions in research projects, PRESAGE proposes a large course offer.
AXPO observatory of market society polarization
Created thanks to funding from the AXA Chair in Market Sociology, AxPo is a research programm built on MaxPo’s* past achievements and innovates with a new research focus, a new role in the training of early-career researchers, and a new institutional setting with the following missions: developing research on Market Society Polarization; promoting junior-level research with an ambitious international postdoctoral program; creating intellectual and social ties between Sciences Po and other top-ranked global universities through a visiting scholars program; serving as a Sciences Po portal for institutionalised Franco-German cooperation; training junior researchers in a monthly PolEconSoc seminar.
Cities are back in town
The purpose of Cities are back in town programme is to initiate new research perspectives, to conduct systematic in-depth work on the Paris region, and to instigate a programme of comparison between cities in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa, around three major themes:
- The spatialisation of inequalities, segregation (economic, social, educational and ethnic), and their effects on the relations between social groups, welfare states and urban inequalities
- Government, governance and democracy, urban policies, conflicts and activism;
- Socio-economics of cities, institutions and economic development.