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Intranet and Tools
The intranet
The Sciences Po intranet contains a wealth of information and resources useful to researchers and provides centralized access to information from all Sciences Po departments. In particular, you will find
- in the "My career" menu, a "Academic careers" section where you will find in particular official documents concerning status, recruitment, evaluation, the teaching incentive, academic sabbaticals, obtaining tenure, promotion, change of status, emeritus, retirement
- in the "Working tools" menu, in addition to the tools common to all, you will find a specific section devoted to "Research tools", in particular ISARI and SPIRE (presented below) as well as the signature charter.
- Security problems can occur at any time. To protect ourselves, each of us (students, teachers, employees, researchers, etc.) must adopt the right habits. The ISD has put together a guide to good digital practices. Discover and adopt the advice in the Digital Security Guide: Good Practices (in French, PDF, 830KB) and the Charter for the use of information systems (PDF, 129 Ko)
- Finally, you will also find information about all of Sciences Po: governance, budget, communication, etc.
SPIRE is the institutional repository of Sciences Po's scientific production. Its objective is to reference all the publications of our academic community. As part of the Open Science movement, Spire makes the full text of publications available to all, free of charge, on the Internet, in compliance with copyright provisions, thus contributing to better dissemination and promotion of Sciences Po's scientific output.
Jointly maintained by Sciences Po's research centres and departments, the Scientific Directorate and the Sciences Po Library, Spire contains articles published in scientific journals, books and book chapters, research reports, working papers, conference papers, etc.
Connect to SPIRE via CCSD (submit a publication tab, usual Sciences Po login and password)
Research data
EU-funded research projects must produce a Data Management Plan (DMP). This will also be required by the ANR from 2019. In order to meet these requirements, a support system for research data management has been developed.
A website dedicated to information on methods and tools for data management can be consulted here: https://sciencespo.libguides.com/donnees-de-la-recherche
A model Data Management Plan adapted to the data produced by Sciences Po's research units is available there. This framework document makes it possible to plan actions, to decide upstream on certain aspects of data collection and processing, and to anticipate the allocation of resources (storage, recruitment, software). The site also provides links to tools and forms relating to compliance and security of processing (self-assessment, processing declarations, Sciences Po legal models).
In addition, a data warehouse called DataSpire will be launched in spring 2019 and will allow researchers to store any type of data produced at Sciences Po.
Contact: data.bib@sciencespo.fr