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Research Centers
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CDSP | CEE | CERI | CEVIPOF | CHSP | CRIS (ex OSC) | CSO | Department of economics | Law School's Research Centre | médialab | OFCE
Sciences Po research units include almost three hundred researchers who contribute to the production and dissemination of knowledge in Economics, History, Law, Political Science and Sociology. In addition to these units, several cross-cutting programmes conduct researches
The Center for Socio-Political Data (CDSP) provides documented and scientifically validated socio-political data for research by archiving, disseminating, and contributing to international survey programs. It also supports training in data collection and analysis. More about the CDSP.
The Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics’s (CEE) research focus is on the comparative analysis of politics and policy. Europe provides the geographical and institutional locus of its work. It covers a wide range of themes, structured around four interlocking dimensions: the transformation of capitalism; cities, borders, and mobilities; states and public policies; strains in representative democracy. More about the CEE.
The Center for International Studies (CERI) analyses foreign societies, international relations, and political, social and economic phenomena across the world from a comparative and historical perspective. More about the CERI.
The Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF) focuses on two main areas. The first includes political attitudes, behaviour and parties; the second involves political thought and the history of ideas. More about the CEVIPOF.
Research in history is organised into two cross-cutting focus areas (Political History and Archives and Digital History) and four themes: Sovereignty. States, Empires, International Relations / Government. Institutions, Knowledge, Norms / Experiences. Social Actors, Movements, & Groups / Humanities. Lives, Materialities, Representations. More about the Centre for History (CHSP).
The Centre for Research on social InequalitieS (CRIS) is a broad-based, comparative research center in sociology. Researchers at the CRIS investigate social dynamics in contemporary societies, particularly urban, school and gender inequalities, stratification and social mobility, and ethnoracial or social segregation. More about the CRIS.
The Centre for the Sociology of Organisations (CSO) works at the intersection of the sociology of organizations, sociology of public policy, and economic sociology. Its five major research programmes address fundamental issues such as higher education and research, healthcare, sustainable development, the evolution of firms, and the transformation of the state. More about the CSO.
Research in the Department of Economics contributes to the development of methodology and economic analysis. Its research focuses in particular on the labour market, international economics, political economy, microeconomics and development. More about the Department of Economics.
The Law School’s research focuses on globalization, legal cultures and the economics of law. In addition, a number of works address the theory and history of law, public and private international law and intellectual property. More about the Law School's Research Center.
The médialab is a digital laboratory devoted to the study and exploitation of data generated by new information technologies, as well as the study of their means of production and circulation. More about the médialab.
The Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE) or French Economic Observatory is an independent body that produces forecasts, researches and evaluations of public policy. It covers most areas of economic analysis, from macroeconomics, growth, social protection systems, taxation and employment policy, to sustainable development, competition, innovation and regulation. More about the OFCE.