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Projets ERC (European Research Council)

L'ERC (European Research Council), créé par l’Union européenne en 2007, finance des projets de recherche exploratoire, aux frontières de la connaissance, dans tous les domaines de la science et de la technologie. Le seul critère de sélection est celui de l'excellence scientifique. A ce jour, 25 projets de recherche sont accueillis à Sciences Po , un nombre important relativement à la taille de notre communauté scientifique.

On Going

Returns to work in occupational, relational, and corporate settings - ReWORCS
May 2023 - April 2028
Starting Grant 
Principal Investigator: Philipp Brandt (CSO)

A Social Demography of Widowhood across Ageing Societies - WIDOW
May 2023 - April 2028
Starting Grant 
Principal Investigator: Zachary VAN WINKLE (CRIS) 

Political Lotteries in European Democratisation - POLLOT
May 2023 - April 2028
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Brenda VAN COPPENOLLE

UNEQUAL EDucation: The Role of Educational Constraints in Shaping Inequalities - UNEQUALED
Sept 2022-Aug.2027
ERC Consolidator Grant
Principal Investigator: Ghazala AZMAT

Completing the revolution: Enhancing the reality, the principles, and the impact of economics' credibility revolution - REALLYCREDIBLE
Nov. 2022 - Oct.2027
ERC Consolidator Grant
Principal Investigator: Clément DE CHAISEMARTIN

Housing, Finance and the Macroeconomy (SafeHouse)
June 2018-May 2024
ERC Consolidator Grant
Principal Investigator: Moritz SCHULARICK

Bipartite Network Models for Marriage and Labour Markets (MARNET)
Sept 2021- Sept 2026
ERC Advanced Grant 
Principal Investigator: Jean Marc ROBIN

Information and Misinformation Economics: Design, Manipulations and Coutermeasures (IMEDMC)
May 2021-May 2026
ERC Consolidator Grant
Principal Investigator: Eduardo PEREZ

“CamPAign Finance, InfoRmaTIon and InfluenCe: A ComprehensIve APproAch Using Individual-Level Data and CompuTEr Science Tools” (PARTICIPATE)
Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2025
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Julia CAGÉ

Historical Migrations, Trade, and Growth - (HMTG)
Juin 2020 - Mai 2025
ERC Advanded Grant
Principal Investigator: Thomas CHANEY

 Equilibrium methods for Resource Allocations and Dynamic Pricing (EQUIPRICE)
Juin 2020 - Mai 2025
ERC Consolidator Grant
Principal Investigator: Alfred GALICHON

Motivated Reading of Evidence (MOREV)
Fev. 2020 - Fev 2025
ERC Starting Grant 
Principal Investigator: Jeanne HAGENBACH

Slave Testimonies in the Abolition Era. European Captives, African Slaves and Ottoman servants in 19th century North Africa - SLAVEVOICES
Oct. 2019 - Sept. 2026 
ERC Consolidator Grant 
Principal Investigator: M'Hamed OUALDI

Nuclear Weapons Choices Governing vulnerabilities between past and future - NUCLEAR
Sep 2018- Aug 2024
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Benoît PÉLOPIDAS


Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks (TRADENET) 
April 2017 - July 2023 
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Isabelle MEJEAN 

Firm Networks, Trade and Growth (FINET)
Dec 2013-Dec 2019 
ERC Consolidator Grant 
Principal Investigator: Thomas CHANEY

Social Preferences, Well-Being and Policy" (SOWELL)
Oct. 2015- August 2021  
ERC Consolidator Grant 
Principal Investigator:Yann ALGAN

Risk Incentives in Financial Institution 
Oct. 2010 - Jul..2016 
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Guillaume PLANTIN

An Inquiry into Modes of Existence (AIME)
Sept. 2011 - June 2015 
ERC Advanded Grant
Principal Investigator: Bruno LATOUR

Culture, Cooperation and Economics (TRUST)
Jan. 2010  - Jul. 2014
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Yann ALGAN

Inclusive rights: A new model to organise legal relations to shared resources in tangible property and intellectual property (INCLUSIVE)
Oct. 2014 - Juin 2020
ERC Consolidator Grant 
Principal Investigator: Séverine DUSOLLIER

A political history of the future: knowledge production and future governance 1945-2010 (FUTUREPOL)
Jan. 2012 - Sept.2017 
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Jenny ANDERSSON

From Silicosis to Chronic Respiratory diseases (SILICOSIS)
June 2012 - Février 2018 
ERC Advanded Grant
Principal Investigator: Paul-André ROSENTAL

Heterogeneity that Matters for Welfare and Trade (HETMAT)
Nov. 2012-Juillet 2018 
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Thierry MAYER

 Matching Markets: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations (EcoMatch)
 Jan. 2013 - Dec.2017 
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Alfred GALICHON

Within and across countries heterogeneity in international finance (INFINHET)
Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2018 
ERC Starting Grant
Principal Investigator: Nicolas COEURDACIER

Wage Dynamics, Sorting Patterns in Labour Markets and Policy Evaluation (WASP)
May 2011 - Nov. 2016 
ERC Advanded Grant
Principal Investigator: Jean-Marc ROBIN