Emmanuelle Bonneau & Marco Cremaschi, « La formation des urbanistes en transition », Urbanisme, 2024
29 mars 2024
Kamel Boukir, De la paranoïa et de la haine. L’instabilité du monde du crime en banlieue parisienne, 25.04.2024, 5:00pm-7:00pm CET
9 avril 2024

A new Reading Group on ‘Climate Change and Urban Planning’

We are excited to announce that a new reading group focused on the intersection of climate change and urban planning was formed by colleague Francesca Ferlicca. This group aims to foster meaningful discussions and knowledge sharing among individuals passionate about understanding the impacts of climate change in cities of the Global South and North.
The reading group will meet bi-weekly, either in person or virtually, to discuss a pre-selected article, book chapter, or report related to climate change and urban planning. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations, share their insights, and learn from one another’s perspectives. The group is open to anyone from the Sciences Po community. If you are interested in joining the Climate Change and Urban Planning Reading Group, please fill out this Google form for more information on upcoming meetings and how to get involved.