The Cities are Back in Town programme is a transdisciplinary research seminar within the Urban School of Sciences Po. It brings together both junior and senior scholars from all Sciences Po's research centres, as well as affiliated professionals and researchers from universities across the globe. Cities are Back in Town convenes more than 20 faculty members, about 30 PhD and postdoc researchers, and many more associate researchers. Our program approaches urban research through different lenses, including political science, sociology, geography, history, economics, and law. It is committed to conducting and promoting cutting-edge research on pivotal processes taking place in cities and regions worldwide. 


Forthcoming events

Cities at a glance

Cities are Back in Town organizes two seminars a month (sometimes more). It has become a significant forum for debating and disseminating urban research in France and worldwide. Our seminars delve into a range of topics, such as urban inequalities and segregation, governance and urban policies, conflicts and activism, urban ecological transitions, and digital transformations in cities, among others. By fostering robust empirical research on urban issues, including book discussions, we contribute to the leading debates in contemporary social science. The program has become a major space where researchers working on cities and urban issues at Sciences Po (all research centres included) and beyond can meet and exchange. The seminar series is open to students, alumni, partners, and colleagues in all institutions worldwide (thanks to our hybrid format and Zoom technology). This open hybrid seminar format is a way of keeping the conversation open with colleagues and alumni around the world. It is not designed or planned as a seminar for specialists. The Cities are Back in Town seminars are designed to be a moment of discussion and scholarly conversation open to all disciplines, all fields/areas/expertise, to go beyond the tyranny of specialisation.