Caroline Knowles, Presentation of the book “Serious Money: Walking Plutocratic London”, 01.06.2023, 5:30pm-7:15pm CEST
16 May 2023
Côme Salvaire, “Debris of sovereignty: discards and territorial domination in a popular neighbourhood of Lagos, Nigeria”, Territory, Politics, Governance, 2023
25 May 2023

Jonathan Pratschke, Tommaso Vitale, Niccolò Morelli, Bruno Cousin, Matteo Piolatto & Matteo Del Fabro, “Electoral support for the 5 Star Movement in Milan: An ecological analysis of social and spatial factors”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Jonathan Pratschke, Tommaso Vitale, Niccolò Morelli, Bruno Cousin, Matteo Piolatto & Matteo Del Fabro intitulé “Electoral support for the 5 Star Movement in Milan: An ecological analysis of social and spatial factors” dans le numéro 5 du volume 45 de la revue Journal of Urban Affairs.