Santiago Gorostiza, Giacomo Parrinello, Daniel Aguettaz-Vilchez & David Saurí, “Where have all the sediments gone? Reservoir silting and sedimentary justice in the lower Ebro River”, Political Geography, 2023
12 October 2023
Sukriti Issar, «Historicizing Real Estate: The East India Company in Early Colonial Bombay», Enterprise & Society, 2023
20 October 2023

Marco Oberti, Maela Guillaume Le Gall, «Decryptage : Comprendre les emeutes de juin 2023», 2023

Understanding the June riots in Paris, based on a study by Marco Oberti (Sciences Po – CRIS) and Maela Guillaume Le Gall (Sciences Po – École Polytechnique), was published on October 12, 2023 (in French).