Recent publications
20 October 2023
We would like to draw your attention to the publication of an article by Sukriti Issar titled “Historicizing Real Estate: The East India Company in Early Colonial Bombay” in the journal Enterprise & Society in October 2023. Abstract Property-as-real-estate emerged in Bombay at least by the turn of the nineteenth century. Real estate is historicized through previously unexplored archival sources (qualitative and quantitative) by analyzing how property was transacted in a colonial port, and how it became embedded in global circuits of commerce and the accumulation strategies of locals and the English East India Company. The paper demonstrates the existence […]
20 October 2023
We would like to draw your attention to the publication of an article by Sukriti Issar titled “Historicizing Real Estate: The East India Company in Early Colonial Bombay” in the journal Enterprise & Society in October 2023. Abstract Property-as-real-estate emerged in Bombay at least by the turn of the nineteenth century. Real estate is historicized through previously unexplored archival sources (qualitative and quantitative) by analyzing how property was transacted in a colonial port, and how it became embedded in global circuits of commerce and the accumulation strategies of locals and the English East India Company. The paper demonstrates the existence […]
13 October 2023
Understanding the June riots in Paris, based on a study by Marco Oberti (Sciences Po – CRIS) and Maela Guillaume Le Gall (Sciences Po – École Polytechnique), was published on October 12, 2023 (in French).
12 October 2023
We would like to draw your attention to an article by Santiago Gorostiza, Giacomo Parrinello, Daniel Aguettaz-Vilchez & David Saurí titled “Where have all the sediments gone? Reservoir silting and sedimentary justice in the lower Ebro River” in the journal of Political Geography, published in October 2023; Abstract At the intersection of natural and social sciences, interest in river sedimentary fluxes and their alteration by human activities is increasing in the context of general retreat of delta formations. Since the 1950s, the construction of large dams in the main course of rivers has produced, among other impacts, a radical decrease […]
12 October 2023
The report «ATLANTIC CONNECTIONS. THE PCC AND THE BRAZIL–WEST AFRICA COCAINE TRADE» by Gabriel Feltran, Isabela Vianna Pinho & Lucia Bird Ruiz-Benitez de Lugo was published in August 2023 by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.