Recent publications

8 June 2023

Sébastien Dutreuil & Pierre Charbonnier, “Philosophy of the Anthropocene”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’une entrée d’encyclopédie rédigée par Sébastien Dutreuil et Pierre Charbonnier intitulée “Philosophy of the Anthropocene” dans l’Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science paru aux éditions Oxford University Press en 2023. Résumé The Anthropocene was proposed in 2000 as the name of a new geological epoch, succeeding to the Holocene, and marked by the influence of humanity as a biological species on its geological environment. It has resonated differently in three major epistemological domains, where the configurations of the debate has varied. For Earth system science, within which the term emerged, the Anthropocene was a keyword […]
8 June 2023

Giacomo Parrinello, “Water as Infrastructure and the Scalar Mismatch”, Environment and Infrastructure, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un chapitre de Giacomo Parrinello intitulé “Water as Infrastructure and the Scalar Mismatch” dans l’ouvrage Environment and Infrastructure paru chez De Gruyter Oldenbourg en 2023. Extrait In 2003, during a heat wave that killed tens of thousands across Europe, the basin of the Po River experienced a major drought. The discharge of the Po reached record lows, with cascading effects for agriculture and energy production. Distress was particularly acute in the delta, where seawater penetrated far inland with resulting contamination of groundwater and irrigation intakes. Thermoelectric power plants located along the Po River lacked cooling […]
1 June 2023

Marco Cremaschi, ‘Urban Planning’ in the Research Handbook on Public Sociology, Elgar Publishing, 2023

We hereby note the publication of Marco Cremaschi’s chapter entitled ‘Urban Planning’ in the Research Handbook on Public Sociology (Elgar Publishing, 2023). Abstract The chapter acknowledges a double bind between Public Sociology and the vast and ‘messy’ realm of Urban Planning: although a persistent gap, the two fields share a few critical points and crucial issues. On one side, the applied field of planning tries to rationalise age-old practices of regulating the spatial settlement of societies with a cumbersome heritage of specialised concerns: as a result, some aspects lie far away from PS interests: the technical concerns, the various assemblage […]
25 May 2023

Côme Salvaire, “Debris of sovereignty: discards and territorial domination in a popular neighbourhood of Lagos, Nigeria”, Territory, Politics, Governance, 2023

Côme Salvaire has published an article entitled “Debris of sovereignty: discards and territorial domination in a popular neighbourhood of Lagos, Nigeria” in the journal Territory, Politics, Governance. Abstract In Lagos’s popular neighbourhoods, the economic transformations of the 1980s have brought about the emergence of popular economies of urban mining centred on discards. In the district of Mushin, discards have at the same time sustained the emergence of powerful street lords. Based on an ethnography of the neighbourhood of Sàkani, this article details associations between local powerholders and garbage, while analysing the central role played by waste in the agglomeration and […]
23 May 2023

Jonathan Pratschke, Tommaso Vitale, Niccolò Morelli, Bruno Cousin, Matteo Piolatto & Matteo Del Fabro, “Electoral support for the 5 Star Movement in Milan: An ecological analysis of social and spatial factors”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Jonathan Pratschke, Tommaso Vitale, Niccolò Morelli, Bruno Cousin, Matteo Piolatto & Matteo Del Fabro intitulé “Electoral support for the 5 Star Movement in Milan: An ecological analysis of social and spatial factors” dans le numéro 5 du volume 45 de la revue Journal of Urban Affairs.