Recent publications

13 February 2023

Joost de Moor & Jens Marquardt, “Deciding whether it’s too late: How climate activists coordinate alternative futures in a postapocalyptic present”, Geoforum, 2023

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Joost de Moor et Jens Marquardt intitulé ‘Deciding whether it’s too late: How climate activists coordinate alternative futures in a postapocalyptic present’ dans la revue Geoforum, janvier 2023. Abstract Climate activists are confronted with an increasing tension between the need for urgent climate action and a sense that it could already be too late to prevent ‘dangerous’ or ‘runaway’ climate change. In this context, scholars observe the spread of a postapocalyptic environmentalism that understands climate change as already being locked in beyond ‘safe’ limits. This narrative challenges apocalyptic environmentalism, which presents climate […]
13 February 2023

Clément Rivière, “Le passant décomposé”, La Vie des Idées, Décembre 2022

Nous vous signalons la parution d’une recension d’ouvrage de Clément Rivière intitulée “Le passant décomposé” (À propos de : Carole Gayet-Viaud, La civilité urbaine. Les formes élémentaires de la coexistence démocratique, Economica) dans la revue La Vie des Idées en décembre 2022. Résumé Une enquête ethnographique montre que les citadins sont loin d’être indifférents à leur entourage public, qu’il s’agisse de faire l’aumône, se disputer, se livrer à la sociabilité pure ou encore perpétuer mais aussi combattre les discriminations.
13 February 2023

Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty & Nathan Benamouzig, “The new value of curbs. Under the effect of the digital transition”, Articulo – Journal of Urban Research, 2021

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article d’Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty et Nathan Benamouzig intitulé “The new value of curbs. Under the effect of the digital transition” dans la revue Articulo – Journal of Urban Research en 2021. Abstract The objective of this article is to understand the changing value of the curb in the digital transition that we currently experience. Digital technologies impose a new perspective when it comes to understanding the curb. This reflection relies on observations of a variety of academic and non-academic pieces of literature. The analysis of the urban economy is therefore deeply linked to activities of […]
30 November 2022

Gabriel Feltran, Cecília Lero, Marcelli Cipriani, Janaina Maldonado, Fernando de Jesus Rodrigues, Luiz Eduardo Lopes Silva, Nido Farias, “Variations in Homicide Rates in Brazil: An Explanation Centred on Criminal Group Conflicts”, Dilemas, 2022

Nous vous signalons la parution d’un article de Gabriel Feltran, Cecília Lero, Marcelli Cipriani, Janaina Maldonado, Fernando de Jesus Rodrigues, Luiz Eduardo Lopes Silva, Nido Farias dans la revue Dilemas intitulé “Variations in Homicide Rates in Brazil: An Explanation Centred on Criminal Group Conflicts”, 2022. Abstract The paper proposes an explanation for the variations in homicide rates in Brazil in the past two decades. Based on the comparison of ethnographic experiences lived in the criminal universe of four capital cities: São Paulo, Porto Alegre, São Luís and Maceió, we propose two analytical strategies: 1) the breakdown of quantitative homicide rate […]