Recent publications
21 October 2024
A new article by Xavier Timbeau, titled “The Lack of Interest in Economics for the Challenge of the Century”, is published in the journal of Economics and Statistics, 543, 2024. Abstract The publication of a thematic section on the environment gives us an opportunity to assess the position of environmental issues within economics. On one level, vacancies for economists published by the American Economic Association (the Job Openings for Economists (JOE) Network) suggest that the net increase in vacancies for positions related to the environment comes from establishments that are not central to the academic economy and that such vacancies […]
14 October 2024
A new article by Olivier Borraz, titled “Authoritarianism as a Bureaucratic Phenomenon”, is published in The Tocqueville Review 45:1, 115-125, 2024.
10 October 2024
A new review of Tine Gade’s 2022 book “Sunni City. Tripoli from Islamist Utopia to the Lebanese Revolution”, (Cambridge University Press), by Petra Samaha was published in Mondes Arabes journal 2024, 5(1), pages 203–209.
10 October 2024
A new policy brief by Silvia Cafora, Jacopo Lareno Faccini, and Tommaso Vitale titled « Policies to Decommodify and Revive the Right to Housing in Italy » was published on the page of Fondazione Feltrinelli. Abstract While the Charter of Fundamental European Rights declares that housing is a fundamental good for leading a dignified life (2002, Art. 34.3), in Italy, the right to housing is not enshrined in the Constitution. The only normative reference is the Constitution’s Article 47, co. 2, which attributes to the Republic the task of favouring the access of popular savings to property. In Italy, the housing culture is based on the principle of home ownership as […]
10 October 2024
A new article titled “Autonomie des formes urbaines et périls de l’évolutionnisme” by Côme Salvaire was published in Varia, vol. 34, 2024.
13 February 2023
T07P23 – Are cities fit for the climate crisis ? Assessing transformative change through Climate Action Plans and GHG inventories The panel seeks to understand how and to what extent GHG inventories and their components produce effects of their own across different policy sectors, such as energy, food and transportation, or whether they will adjust to attune to their respective complexities. Moreover, attention will be drawn to evolving relationships between the governing and the governed as part of GHG inventories and local climate action plans, by focusing on the concrete modes of governance through which they are formulated and implemented, […]
7 November 2022
In this episofe of Sur-Urbano, the podcast of the Latin American Cities Working Group (University of California – Berkeley), Marcela Alonso Ferreira and Isabel Peñaranda Curie have interviewed Eduardo Marques about his articles “Why do local governments produce redistributive urban policies?” and “Continuity and Change of Urban Policies in São Paulo: Resilience, Latency, and Reanimation”, published in 2021. Eduardo’s work examines the production and change of redistributive urban policies in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in the past three decades. The articles account for the drivers and patters of the trajectories of continuity, disruption or oscillation of policies in […]
15 April 2022
In this episode of Politistes dans la Cité, the podcast of the French Political Science Association, Patrick Le Galès talks about how his research, articulated around the comparison, the study of cities and public policies in a globalized framework, has always nourished his teachings and innovative educational projects. The podcast is available in French on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict and Soundcloud. More information on the website of Politistes dans la Cité.
23 March 2022
We would like to draw your attention to the launch of the call for paper abstracts for the V ESA RN 37Midterm Conference “Seeing Like a City / Seeing the City Through”. The conference will take place at the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Research of the Humboldt University Berlin 5th to the 7th of October 2022. The deadline for submission of abstract proposals is May 6. Information on the 27 panels further details on the submission process can be found in the call for papers. Abstracts may be submitted here. For any info or question, please contact: RN37 Organizing […]
15 March 2022
Depuis le milieu des années 2000, les données ont fait une entrée fracassante dans le champ urbain, transformant les manières dont les villes sont gouvernées à l’ère du numérique. Que ce soit au niveau des coalitions d’acteurs, des instruments, des politiques ou des modes de régulation, la donnée impacte la façon dont la vie urbaine se trouve ordonnée. Le MOOC « Données et Gouvernance Urbaine » explore les transformations de la gouvernance urbaine à l’ère du numérique et des données. Qu’est-ce que la donnée fait à la gouvernance urbaine ? Qui gouverne dans une ville investie par le big data […]