29 August 2024
Yakuza, taken at Enoshima beach. Crédits. Jeff Laitila / Flickr

Unpacking Organised Crime

Organised crime encompasses a broad range of activities and people, from peasants in Colombia to transnational corporate actors. Due to the diversity of actors, a […]
13 November 2023

The EU’s planned reconstruction efforts of Ukraine: A game changer?

Matthias Thiemann, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics Russia’s attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, came largely as a surprise to the world […]
10 October 2023

The West and Europe, Between Values and Geopolitics

by Christian Lequesne, CERI The war in Ukraine has brought the notion of the West back into play, less in geopolitical terms than in terms […]
21 September 2023

Facing the Scandal of Evil Through Literature

by Frédérique Leichter-Flack Not only is Literary fiction a valuable source for history, a repertoire of examples for philosophical reasoning, but it is also a […]
21 September 2023

Why and How to Make Objects Last

A doctoral student at the Center for the Sociology of Organisations, Julie Madon has just received the Treilles Foundation’s ‘Young Researcher’ prize for the quality […]
21 September 2023
California Law Eliminates Spousal Rape Exemption—But “Patriarchy Still Dies Hard” (Phiend / Flickr)

Restorative Justice in Ordinary Rape Cases

Alexane Guérin, a PhD student in political theory at Sciences Po’s School of Research and the Center for International Research (CERI) was recently awarded a […]
21 September 2023
Green Deal européen. Image Pixabay

Can the Green Deal Make European Agriculture Greener?

What are the foundations and goals of the European Green Deal? What impact will it have on agriculture and consumers? What are the obstacles to […]
21 September 2023

Global Opinion on Climate Change

For nearly fifteen years, EDF and Ipsos have been polling public opinion around thirty countries on climate change perceptions: are people worried? Do they consider […]
21 September 2023
Sud de l’Ukraine, 11 juin 2022, l'icône de la Mère de Dieu dans une église détruite par les bombardements russes. Photo : Drop of Light pour Shutterstock.

Holy Russia Versus the West

In her latest book, ‘Holy Russia versus the West’ (‘La Sainte Russie contre l’Occident’), CERI research director Kathy Rousselet examines the relationship between the Russian […]