27 February 2017

Digital and shared data

Several research units – and especially Sciences Po’s Centre for socio-political data – have embraced digital platforms to make a wealth of electoral materials such […]
27 February 2017

Beyond our borders

Using history and comparative studies, several research projects shed light on the state of elections beyond our borders. United States of America: when the electorate […]
27 February 2017
Frontispice des documents émanant du ministère de la Justice au XIXe siècle. Crédits : ministère de la Justice

Elected officials and institutions

From elected officials to democracy, trust is lacking As underscored by Luc Rouban, Daniel Boy and Jean Chiche in their analysis of the first trust […]
27 February 2017

What elections do to political parties

Of course, studying elections involves the examination of political parties. Sciences Po researchers have fully devoted themselves to this pursuit and, building on René Rémond’s […]
27 February 2017

The “real” issues

Understanding votes is also about knowing the topics that mobilize voters and their influence on the ballot. Old chestnuts and new issues First, there is […]
27 February 2017

Does the media shape elections?

The media’s role in voting behavior is not limited to explosive revelations on any given candidate. It also play a “normal” role in “normal” campaigns, […]
12 July 2016

Europe’s response to migrations

As a major and age-old phenomenon, migration is central to research conducted at Sciences Po across all disciplines. To cover this issue is to embark […]
12 March 2016

Ambiguous Social Rights

Paul-André Rosental, university professor at Sciences Po’s Centre for History, and associate researcher at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), devotes his research […]
12 March 2016

New dynamics of political integration

CEVIPOF research director Manlio Cinalli, a political scientist and sociologist, conducts his research on political behaviour, relations between “ethnicities” and public policies promoting cultural integration. […]