13 February 2020
Uber slammed for putting prices up during London Bridge terror attack. Screenshot metro.co.uk on 2017/06/04

Governing the Digital City

Big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, smart city, platforms, algorithms, digital labour: technological innovation seems fast and unfathomable. It is important therefore to ask the question […]
13 February 2020
Faculté de droit (Université Paris I). Crédits image : Cristian Bortes. CC BY 2.0

Transforming universities: Proposals from a researcher

“Proposals from a researcher for universities” (Propositions d’une chercheuse pour l’université, Presses de Sciences Po) the latest book by Christine Musselin, CNRS research director at […]
13 February 2020
Illustration de l'ouvrage de Alexandre de Bar - Le Tour du Monde (1860) représentant une maison des esprits et une scène de cannibalisme.

Colonial Transactions

In her most recent work, Colonial Transactions: Imaginaries, Bodies, and Histories in Gabon (Duke University Press, 2019), historian of Sub-Saharan Africa and researcher at the […]
13 February 2020
Crédits image : alphaspirit/Shutterstock

When the Truth is Inconvenient or “Motivated” Reading of Information

In most economic and social contexts, agents base their decisions (to purchase, to invest, to accept a job offer, etc.) on  available information. This information […]
13 February 2020
Monaco HLM. Crédits image : Lena/flickr. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Access to Social Housing: Discrimination on All Levels

In her doctoral thesis, Marine Bourgeois enlightens us as to how discrimination is forged regarding access to social housing. Through direct observations, interviews with professionals, […]
13 February 2020
Brancardiers portant secours à un blessé français : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol]. Source BNF/Gallica

The birth of medical emergencies

The number of visits to emergency medical services keeps growing. According to statistics from the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, it doubled between 1996 and […]
11 February 2020
Femme devant choisir entre responsabilités parentales et succès professionnel. Crédits image : GoodStudio/Shutterstock

The Paradox of Family Policy

Family policy expansion – and in particular childcare – is one of the hallmarks of welfare state’s transformation. Paradoxically it unfolds in a context of […]
24 January 2020
"#FakeNews, unfortunately." by cizauskas is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 cc-icon

From fake news’ URLs to their reception IRL #InRealLife

by Manon Berriche, PhD candidate at the médialab Since the 2016 American presidential election, the public debate has been overrun by concerns about disinformation. To […]
18 December 2019
Governing Finance Cogito 8 Crédits Sciences Po

Cogito 8 – Governing Finance

In an issue devoted to the challenging governance of finance, our researchers might have dwelled on reviewing and analyzing the financial crises in recent memory, […]