10 July 2019
Title: Iron White Man, a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show

Indian lessons

Louis Assier-Andrieu took his first steps in research alongside Claude Lévi-Strauss. As an anthropologist, and then historian, sociologist, and lawyer, he has long conducted field […]
10 July 2019

From Unemployment to Part-Time Work

by Hadrien Clouet, young resarcher in sociology The major unemployment rates that Western societies have been experiencing for over 30 years generate great individual suffering […]
10 July 2019
La survie des juifs en France (1940-1944)

The Survival of the Jews in France, 1940-1944

Internationally recognised for his work on genocide and more generally mass violence, Jacques Semelin,  Emeritus Researcher Director at the Centre for International Research (CNRS), has […]
10 July 2019

Are Domestics Back?

Over the past few decades, France has actively been supporting jobs in services to individuals, to the point that the sector currently involves 1.2 million […]
10 July 2019

What Remains of the Workers’ Internationals?

Who remembers that worker unions used to be organized at the international level, much earlier than the corporate and financial worlds? In his book La […]
6 July 2019

The secrets of the Hermitage

In his book “Art of Memories. Curating at the Hermitage ”, medialab sociologist Vincent-Antonin Lepinay examines the vicissitudes of the great Hermitage museum since the 1917 revolution. […]
6 July 2019
Le train passe devant une personne en fauteuil roulant. Crédits photo : Graceful Digital, Shutterstock

Work and Disability: Ending Exclusions

We are all aware of the fact that the disabled face significant difficulties in the labor market, but we underestimate them. While many inclusive measures […]
6 July 2019

The legitimacy of random draws

Denigrated when used to select students in some university programs, or appreciated as a means to breathe new life into democracy, random draws are controversial. […]
6 July 2019

Civilising capitalism

In his latest book, Civiliser le capitalisme [Civilising capitalism] (Fayard), OFCE president Xavier Ragot confirms that reducing economic security and defending democracy requires rethinking economic […]