20 November 2018

Michel Rocard: from attraction to criticism of the media

Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo, a recent Sciences Po PhD graduate in history, traced Michel Rocard’s relationship to the media in his thesis: “The communication complex. Michel Rocard […]
20 November 2018

Consume Less, Consume Better:What Can Consumers Do?

by Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier, CNRS Research Director at the Science Po Centre for the Sociology of Organizations Have consumers become the new arbiters of economic relations? […]
19 November 2018

Labor Regulations Under Stress

What are the conflicts in professional relationships in France? What are the open or latent conflicts in the workplace? How are they regulated? These two […]
8 November 2018

Digital readings of the Bible

In a study of sermons made by English preachers in the 17th and 18th centuries, medialab researcher Jean-Philippe Cointet and four sociologists and historians from […]
5 November 2018
Lyon, France - March 15, 2017: Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes building in Lyon. Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes is a region of France created by the territorial reform of French Regions in 2014 par ricochet64, Shutterstock

Citizen representations of regional democracy

Sixteen of France’s twenty-one metropolitan regions in 2014 were redrawn in January 2015. In this new context, what is citizens’ relationship to their new region? […]
29 October 2018

Researchers and research engineers working on environmental issues

Updated, december 2022 Diégo Antolinos-Basso, research engineer at medialab and CEVIPOF Data collection and analysis, Politics of the Earth François Bafoil, CNRS emeritus research director […]
27 October 2018

The Politics of Symbols: the French Government’s Response to the 2015 Terrorist Attacks

by Florence Faucher and Laurie Boussaguet, researchers at  CEE & LIEPP Charlie Hebdo, Hyper Cacher at the Porte de Vincennes, Stade de France, the Bataclan […]
26 October 2018
Image from page 195 of "L'art de jetter les bombes" (1685). Droits à l'image : Aucune restriction connue

Distributing trade maps: the gravity equation

Economics present a surprising empirical regularity expressed by what is called the gravity equation: in a given year, over at least the past century for […]
25 October 2018

The history of international trade in data

The result of collaboration between the Center for History and the médialab, RICardo (Research on International Commerce) is a project devoted to trade between nations […]