20 May 2016
Dix mois d’École et d’Opéra

Democratizing access to art and culture

Update 12 August 2022 - Publication des résultats : Philippe Coulangeon & Denis Fougère (2022) Bringing underprivileged middle-school students to the opera: cultural mobility or […]
20 May 2016

A new-generation electoral survey

In 2015, the French Ministry of the Interior awarded CEVIPOF a grant to develop and conduct a “new generation” electoral survey, called “The French Electoral […]
20 May 2016

Is the Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit Effective?

The objectives of the Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit – CICE – are multiple – international competitiveness, employment, innovation…-, as are its mechanisms and the […]
20 May 2016

When history sheds light on the evolution of an ecosystem

The coasts of Mediterranean Europe: ecosystems, societies and conflicts in the 19th and 20th centuries, USPC Junior Chair of Excellence awarded to Giacomo Parrinello Coastal […]
20 May 2016

European Union legislates less and less

  The European Union is regularly mocked for its desire to legislate on everything and in great detail. Yet analyses conducted by the Centre for […]
20 May 2016

To be Represented at the International Labour Organisation

Currently a lecturer in political science at Sciences Po Grenoble and a researcher at PACTE, Marieke Louis wrote her thesis on representativeness at the International […]
12 March 2016

Ambiguous Social Rights

Paul-André Rosental, university professor at Sciences Po’s Centre for History, and associate researcher at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), devotes his research […]
12 March 2016

New dynamics of political integration

CEVIPOF research director Manlio Cinalli, a political scientist and sociologist, conducts his research on political behaviour, relations between “ethnicities” and public policies promoting cultural integration. […]
12 March 2016

Tolerance towards the “Other” is growing

Since 2000, several of our researchers – CEE researchers Nonna Mayer, Vincent Tiberj, and Tommaso Vitale, and CEVIPOF researcher Guy Michelat – have contributed to […]